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Single Pulse Investigations at the Decameter Range O.M. Ulyanov 1, V.V. Zakharenko 1, V.S. Nikolaenko 1, A. Deshpande 2, M.V. Popov 3, V.A. Soglasnov 3,

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Presentation on theme: "Single Pulse Investigations at the Decameter Range O.M. Ulyanov 1, V.V. Zakharenko 1, V.S. Nikolaenko 1, A. Deshpande 2, M.V. Popov 3, V.A. Soglasnov 3,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Pulse Investigations at the Decameter Range O.M. Ulyanov 1, V.V. Zakharenko 1, V.S. Nikolaenko 1, A. Deshpande 2, M.V. Popov 3, V.A. Soglasnov 3, A.V. Bilous 3, A.I. Brazhenko 4, R. Vashchishin 4 1-Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU (Ukraine); 2-Raman Research Institute (India); 3-Astro Spase Center FIAN (Russia) ‏ ; 4-Poltava Gravimetric Observatory RT URAN-2(Ukraine) ‏ -------------------------------- e-mail:

2 RT UTR-2 (Kharkov, Ukraine)‏


4 RT URAN-2 (Poltava, Ukraine)‏

5 RT -70 (Evpatoria, Ukraine)‏

6 Average Spectrum Flux Density of PSR B1133+16 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 F, [GHz] Flux, [ mJy ] 1000.0 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01

7 Dynamic spectra of PSR B1133+16 Observation on UTR-2 RT (Ukraine)‏ F, МГц 28 26 24 22 20 0 t, c 15.673

8 Anomalous intensive pulses in Decameter Range; PSRs B0809+74 & B0950+08

9 Fluctuation Spectra of Individual Pulses PSR B0809+74 at 24 MHz Average ACF with reference transfer function; PSR B0809+74

10 Spectral and Correlation Data analysis of Subpulse Structure PSR B0950+08

11 PSR B0809+74 Subpulse Width

12 Cumulative probability distribution of Single Pulses Energy PSR B0809+74

13 Cumulative probability distribution of Single Pulses Energy PSR B0950+08

14 Strong Linear Polarization of AIPs PSR B0809+74


16 Deficite of the scattering time constant at the Decameter Range; PSRB0809+74

17 Single pulses PSR B0809+74 fc = 24 MHz;  F = 1.538 MHz;  = 40 us

18  D +  t PSR B1133+16 tt Time resolution for coherent and noncoherent dedispersion in decameter wave range. PSRs B0950+08 and B1133+16, ∆f = 26…29 MHz.  S for different models.  S 1133 (4.0) ~ 20 ms t, s N (2 N points)‏  S 0950 (4.4)‏  S 0950 (4.0)‏  D +  t PSR B0950+08

19  local = 0.7±0.1 ms PSR B0950+08, f C = 28 MHz, B = 1 MHz

20 Anomalous intensive pulses at Decameter Range; PSRs B0943+10 & B1133+16

21 Spectral and Correlation Data analysis of Subpulse Structure PSR B0943+10

22 Spectral and Correlation Data analysis of Subpulse Structure PSR B1133+16



25 Dynamic spectra of AIPs of PSR B1133; (CP ?)

26 PSR B1133+16, f C = 25 MHz, B = 1 MHz

27 Polarization observations of AIPs PSR B1133+16 at 24 MHz RT URAN-2 (Poltava, Ukraine)‏

28 Giant Pulse of Crab Pulsar; UTR-2 (Ukraine) f=23 МHz; DM = 57.6 pc/cm 3

29 Giant Pulses Profiles at Frequencies: 24, 112 & 600 МHz [ASC FIAN (Russia), IRA (Ukraine), RRI (India)] Crab

30 Conclusion  Subpulses fore pulsars (PSR В0809+74; В0950+08; В0943+10; В1133+16) was found at Decameter Range (18- 30 MHz).  The radio emission of the anomalous intense pulses is caused by the strong subpulses that have peak intensity of more than 20-100 times larger than peak intensity of the corresponding average profiles. The intensity of single pulses has a strong variation in frequency and time. The probability of detection of the anomalous intense pulses does not exceed several percents at Decameter wave range.  Typical band values of detection for the pulses with anomalous intensities lie in the range from 0.2 to 0.5 octaves. The analysis of the results obtained allows one to assume that pulses with anomalous intensity may have relatively narrow generation mechanism in the low frequency range.  Practically energy properties of these pulses do not differ from energy properties the so-called Giant Pulses, which were detected for millisecond pulsars earlier.

31  The properties of individual Pulses with Anomalous Intensity (AIPs) at Decameter Range are discussed. In particular were obtained the cumulative probability distributions of energy for AIPs. These laws have long “tails” in the high energy region. The slope of high energy power law fit evolved from -1.5 up to -3.2. The comparison of the cumulative probability distribution of energy for Giant Pulses (GPs) and PAI were made also.  AIPs are associated with the subpulses or the more small-scale structure, which is located inside these subpulses. PAI have strong degree (up to 90%) of the linear polarization. The common unusual properties are connecting with little values of scattering time constant for AIPs and GPs. Practically the lack of scattering was found for AIPs at the Decameter range. Probably the AIPs are forming in the strong scintillation regime inside of the thick scattering screen. In this case the regime of increasing of the spatial coherence realizes.

32 The End

33 The plane of expansion IRA NASU in to different range of Radio Spectra Flux, [ mJy ] 1000.0 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01

34 The New 25 dipoles array

35 The New 25 dipole array

36 First attempt of Expansion in to 327 MHz and 6 cm range; RT-70 (Evpatoria, Crimea) PSR B0329+54 92 сm = 327 МHz 6 сm = 5 GHz

37 Designers with Portable Pulsar Receiver 22 November 2006


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