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Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation GumTree A Java Based GUI Framework for Beamline Experiments Tony Lam (ANSTO) Andy Götz (ESRF) Ferdi.

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Presentation on theme: "Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation GumTree A Java Based GUI Framework for Beamline Experiments Tony Lam (ANSTO) Andy Götz (ESRF) Ferdi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation GumTree A Java Based GUI Framework for Beamline Experiments Tony Lam (ANSTO) Andy Götz (ESRF) Ferdi Franceschini (ANSTO) Paul Hathaway (ANSTO) Nick Hauser (ANSTO)

2 RRR- Graphical User Interface Main Components: 1.Instrument Control and Status No prior knowledge of SICS commands 2.Live Data Visualization Preview of the data acquired during experiment 3.Online / Offline Data Analysis Perform analysis on acquired data MotorsDetectorsAncillaries Control / Status Data Visualization Data Analysis GUI SIC Server Client Server

3 Scientific Graphical User Interface There are something we can improve for our GUI: Portability –Too ad-hoc for an instrument Supported OS Platform –Platform dependent –Multi-Platform but very limited GUI widget library / ugly look and feel (subjective view) Functionality –No single application can give access to all aspects of your scientific experiment Interoperability –Lack of interactivity between different part of system during experiment …your desktop may look something like this…



6 The Dawn of GumTree GumTree as a Generic Scientific Workbench: Portability –Too ad-hoc for an instrument –Common Interface for multiple beamline instruments (reduces user’s learning curve) Supported OS Platform –Platform dependent –Native and Professional Look & Feel for Windows, Linux and Mac Functionality –No single application can give access to all aspects of your scientific experiment –A single application that allows you to access everything Interoperability –Lack of interactivity between different part of system during experiment –Exchange outputs between all parts of the system

7 GUM Enabled Application Adaptable to different control systems Integrate with visualization package Support various data format Embedded data analysis support Allowing display multiple widget sets Grand Unified Model Integrated Scientific Experiment Environment

8 Extending GumTree Programmers are usually lazy……. 1.Beach 2.Fosters 3.Framework

9 Eclipse RCP Runtime Data CS Device ACC DRAVIS UI GumTree Platform GumTree Project Core Your Plug-ins Games Clock Other Eclipse Plug-ins Their Plug-ins HIPD HRPD TAS SANS REFL REST MRPD GumNIX Multimedia Accessaries GumTree Project Overview

10 Plug-in Loader Plug-in Based Architecture Application Extensions Plug-ins Extensible ApplicationGumTree Can I plug in? No Problem!!

11 Eclipse Rich Client Platform Originated as a Java IDE Rich Client Platform –Application Framework for making FAT client Fat Client VS Thin Client GumTree and Eclipse Eclipse RCP Offers: SWT Help System Wizard Text Search Engine Source Editor Data Modelling Internationalisation Unit Testing Framework (XP!)

12 Collaboration Synchrotron Source: Neutron Source: Potential Collaborators: Australian Synchrotron, ILL, NIST……and YOU!!

13 Demo: See GumTree in Action

14 Conclusion Advantage of Using GumTree Platform Multi platform Save your development time Open source (Free!!) Native / Modern Look & Feel Books and Training are available for Eclipse Plug-in Development Scientists can contribute easily Future Direction Grid Computing Support Text-to-Speech, Voice Recognition Pushing GumTree / ISEE into other scientific areas, eg Automated Telescope Control The only thing that can limit you is your iMaGiNaTiOn!!

15 Life under GumTree GumTree is sexy….



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