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ErlHive Safe Erlang Reloaded An angle on community web development Ulf Wiger, Ericsson AB.

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Presentation on theme: "ErlHive Safe Erlang Reloaded An angle on community web development Ulf Wiger, Ericsson AB."— Presentation transcript:

1 ErlHive Safe Erlang Reloaded An angle on community web development Ulf Wiger, Ericsson AB

2 The Goal Web-based multi-user information management Blog, forum, wiki, chat, access control,... What set of abstractions could allow us to treat these as convenient building blocks? Extensible and safe

3 The Frustration Installed and tested lots of blogs, wikis and forums Surprisingly difficult Not particularly modular Picky about perl/python/php/mysql versions Esp. multi-user versions worked poorly Obvious room for improvement But with Erlang, lots of assembly required also.

4 The Tuple Store Joe Armstrong’s idea A simple on-line database for web development Storing objects, sets and streams per user Joe wrote the front-end I wrote the back-end Authentication, etc. tuple store DB HTTP

5 Stored modules extend the vision Authentication, etc. erlhive DB Public code and data Private code and data Safe, web-based community web application development User AUser E

6 Back-end Concepts Each account contains: –Variable declarations (scalars, arrays, streams, and modules) –Areas (public and private)

7 Classes of Variable Scalar – can be of any type (a type grammar exists and is enforced) Array – an associative array (ordered set) Stream – like an inbox (append, lookup, delete) Module – a safe-compiled Erlang module

8 Access control Data and code in the private area accessible only to the owner The owner’s public modules can call the owner’s private modules OwnerOther Users Scalars & arraysRead/write/deleteRead StreamsAppend/read/deleteAppend ModulesRead/write/delete/callRead/call In the public area:

9 Safe code execution Only side-effects allowed are through the erlhive API Allow calls to modules/functions known to be safe (lists, ordsets, calendar, etc.) No spawn, send, receive, link, etc. Meta calls filtered at run-time (and possibly blocked) Everything runs in mnesia transactions Otherwise, no restrictions

10 -module(ex3_joe). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},..., {ex3_pub, erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub:f()}]. Code example -module(ex3_pub). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE}, {time, calendar:universal_time()}, {caller, erlhive.user:caller()}, {from_module, erlhive.user:from_module()}, {owner, erlhive.user:owner()}, {ex3_priv, ex3_priv:f()}]. -module(ex3_priv). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},...]. Owned by user > 1> erlhive:with_user( >, fun(M) -> M:set_variable(ex3_pub, [{class, module},{area, public}]), M:store_module(ex3_pub, ”-module(ex3_pub).\n...”) end).

11 -module(ex3_joe). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},..., {ex3_pub, erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub:f()}]. Code example -module(ex3_pub). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE}, {time, calendar:universal_time()}, {caller, erlhive.user:caller()}, {from_module, erlhive.user:from_module()}, {owner, erlhive.user:owner()}, {ex3_priv, ex3_priv:f()}]. -module(ex3_priv). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},...]. Package syntax for calling other users’ modules ”Meta functions” for introspection

12 -module(ex3_joe). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},..., {ex3_pub, erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub:f()}]. Execution -module(ex3_pub). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE}, {time, calendar:universal_time()}, {caller, erlhive.user:caller()}, {from_module, erlhive.user:from_module()}, {owner, erlhive.user:owner()}, {ex3_priv, ex3_priv:f()}]. -module(ex3_priv). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},...]. 2> erlhive:with_user( >, fun(M) -> M:apply(erlhive.joe.ex3_joe, f, []) end). [{’?MODULE’, ’erlhive.joe.ex3_joe’}, {caller, >}, {from_module, ’erlhive.user’}, {owner, >}, {ex3_pub, [{’?MODULE’, ’erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub’}, {time, {{2006,11,9},{16,53,17}}, {caller, >}, {owner, >}, {ex3_priv, [{’?MODULE’, ’erlhive.ulf.ex3_priv’}, {caller, >}, {from_module, ’erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub’}, {owner, >}]}]}]

13 -module(ex3_joe). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},..., {ex3_pub, erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub:f()}]. Execution -module(ex3_pub). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE}, {caller, erlhive.user:caller()}, {from_module, erlhive.user:from_module()}, {owner, erlhive.user:owner()}, {ex3_priv, ex3_priv:f()}]. -module(ex3_priv). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},...]. 2> erlhive:with_user( >, fun(M) -> M:apply(erlhive.ulf.ex3_priv, f, []) end). ** exited: {aborted, {{undef,[{{’erlhive.ulf.ex3_priv’, >, ’erlhive.user’}, f, 0}, {erlhive,with_watchdog,1},...]},...} Cannot call another user’s private modules. Restricted calls appear as undefs.

14 -module(ex3_joe). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},..., {ex3_pub, erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub:f()}]. Profiling -module(ex3_pub). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE}, {caller, erlhive.user:caller()}, {from_module, erlhive.user:from_module()}, {owner, erlhive.user:owner()}, {ex3_priv, ex3_priv:f()}]. -module(ex3_priv). -export([f/0]). f() -> [{’?MODULE’, ?MODULE},...]. 2> erlhive:profile( >, fun(M) -> M:apply(ex3_joe, f, []) end). {[{’?MODULE’,’erlhive.joe.ex3_joe’},...], [{trace,,call,{erlhive_user,apply,4}}, {trace,,call,{’erlhive.joe.ex3_joe’,f,1}}, {trace,,call,{’erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub’,f,1}}, {trace,,return_to,{’erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub’,f,1}}, {trace,,return_to,{’erlhive.ulf.ex3_pub’,f,1}}]} A censored call trace. Can be followed by a specific trace on ’visible’ modules. (work in progress...)

15 Status Beta version at Sourceforge Authenticating web server front-end Components –Simple web-based management front-end –Blog with threaded comments –Wiki code syntax library –Role-Based Access Control library Any day now!

16 Questions?

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