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Chapter 8 Market Revolution Section 4 The Rise of Nationalism.

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1 Chapter 8 Market Revolution Section 4 The Rise of Nationalism

2 Nationalism at Home By 1820 our country had made the shift in thinking toward the modern view of ourselves belonging to a country under a national government instead of separate states under separate governments The Supreme Court began to make rulings at this time that helped strengthen the federal government’s role in the nation’s economic business

3 Nationalism at Home McCulloch v. Maryland Maryland placed a tax on bank notes from the Second Bank of the United States (they wanted to wipe out the bank) Maryland courts upheld the law and it was taken to the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that the federal gov’t had powers greater than those in the Constitution & Congress had the power to charter a bank (Article 1, Section 8) He also ruled that no state could destroy by taxes what the federal gov’t had created

4 Nationalism at Home Dartmouth College v. Woodward New Hampshire wanted to change the charter (contract) of Dartmouth College from a private school to a state school – “contract clause” Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that the contract was between private parties and the gov’t couldn’t change it This helped business grow by showing the state couldn’t interferer with business contracts Gibbons v. Ogden Ogden bought an exclusive licenses allowing him to operate a steamboat from NY to NJ Gibbons started a business on the same route and was sued by Ogden The Supreme Court ruled that the states could not regulate interstate commerce

5 Nationalism Abroad President Monroe was concerned with our nation’s foreign policy He was concerned about the tensions between the US and GB After signing the Rush-Bagot Agreement which limited ships in the Great Lakes the two countries made the northern boarder of the US 49 degrees N In a speech to Congress President Monroe established the Monroe Doctrine 1. The US would not get involved in internal European affairs, nor take sides 2. The US recognized the colonies in the Western Hemisphere and would not interfere with them 3. There would be no more colonization in the Western Hemisphere 4. Any action by a European nation to control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be seen as hostile to the US

6 A Controversial Race John Quincy Adams won the Presidential election of 1824 but it was a controversial race between John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay & Andrew Jackson Henry Clay was the former Speaker of the House & KY Senator. He was energetic, charming and a magnificent speaker. He survived two duels and owned a plantation but opposed slavery Andrew Jackson was a Senator and plantation owner from TN. He was a popular war hero from the War of 1812 and his actions in Florida against NAs His opponents saw him as poorly educated and ill-tempered

7 A Controversial Race Andrew Jackson won the popular vote in 1824 but no candidate received the majority in the Electoral College In February 1825 the House voted to decide the election Henry Clay swung KY in favor of Adams and days later Adams made him Secretary of State Jackson supporters said Adams & Clay had made a “corrupt bargain” to deny Jackson from winning

8 The New Parties Face Off Adams & Clay wanted to use federal power to strengthen the nation’s economy They supported building roads, canals, bridges, lighthouses, universities & many more public improvements They also favored protective tariffs to make foreign goods more expensive and encourage the purchase of American-made goods. Jackson supporters in Congress blocked every move as Jackson prepared for the election of 1828

9 The New Parties Face Off Jackson and Adams were both Jeffersonian Republicans but the times had changed and so did the party names and views on the economy Adams & Clay supporters were now called National Republicans/Whigs they believed they were following the idea of improvement by Jefferson Jackson followers were called Jacksonian Democrats they believed they were true to the idea of limited government More than twice the amount of men voted in 1828 than 1824 and Jackson won by a landslide

10 Party Differences National RepublicansJacksonian Democrats -Gov’t take a leadership-Gov’t should remain roleinactive -Federal gov’t should-Individual states should support improvements (roads, bridges)support improvements -For national bank-Against national bank -Middle-class or well-Slave holders, small farmers, established Protestants working class, non-Protestants

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