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20-1 The Kingdom Protista What Is a Protist?

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Presentation on theme: "20-1 The Kingdom Protista What Is a Protist?"— Presentation transcript:

1 20-1 The Kingdom Protista What Is a Protist?
-Any organism that is not a plant, animal, fungus, or a prokaryote -Catch All Kingdom–mostly unicellular, eukaryotes Euplotes Spirogyra Radiolarian

2 B. Evolution of protists -First eukaryotic organisms on earth C
B. Evolution of protists -First eukaryotic organisms on earth C. Classification of Protists -Based on how they obtain nutrients and how they move Stentor

3 20-2 Animallike Protists: Protozoans
Four Phyla: Zooflagellates Sarcodines Ciliates Sporozoans

4 Zooflagellates: Flagella Usually in aquatic environment
Asexual and sexual reproduction

5 2) Sarcodines Pseudopods (move using cytoplasmic projections)
Amoeboid movement Shells of calcium carbonate or silica Amoeba

6 Amoeba Contractile vacuole Pseudopods Nucleus Food vacuole

7 3) Ciliates Use cilia to swim, free-moving
Internal anatomy: macro- and micronucleus, contractile vacuole Conjugation: exchange genetic information, not reproduction Paramecium

8 Paramecium – (Ciliate)
Contractile vacuole Micronucleus Macronucleus Food vacuoles Cilia

9 4) Sporozoans Reproduce by sporozoites parasites Plasmodium

10 20-3 Plantlike Protists: Unicellular Algae
Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments – help harvest light energy 4 Types: Euglenophytes Chrysophytes Diatoms Dinoflagellates Acetabularia Calyculus

11 Euglenophytes 2 flagella No cell wall
Pellicle (intricately folded cell membrane) Eyespot (helps find sunlight) Euglena

12 Chrysophytes Gold-colored chloroplast Store food as oil
Reproduce sexually and asexually

13 Diatoms Cell walls with silicon Glasslike

14 Dinoflagellates Photosynthetic AND heterotrophic Luminescent
Reproduce asexually (binary fission) Peridinium

15 Ecology of Unicellular Algae
Phytoplankton: Photosynthetic Algal blooms recycle wastes if they die they can deprive O2 from the water

16 20-4 Plantlike Protists: Red, Brown, and Green Algae
Red Algae Chlorophyll a and phycobilins (blue light) Can live deeper in water Multicellular

17 Brown Algae Chlorophyll a and c and fucoxanthin Multicellular Largest
Fucus Sargassum

18 Green Algae Chlorophyll a and b Cellulose in cell walls
Probably ancestors of modern land plants Unicellular and multicellular Volvox

19 Unicellular Green Algae
Contractile vacuoles Chlamydomonas Reproduction: diploid/haploid generations alternation of generations

20 Multicellular Green Algae
Ulva Reproduction: gametophytes and sporophytes

21 20-5 Funguslike Protists Have centrioles Lack chitin in cell walls
Two types: Slime Molds Water Molds Oomycota Tubifera ferruginosa

22 Slime Molds Cellular – cells remain distinct or separated
Acellular – cells fuse to form large cells Cellular: Acellular

23 Water Molds Thrive on dead or decaying organic matter in water
Some are plant parasites on land

24 Ecology of funguslike protists:
Beneficial function: decomposers Harmful function: cause plant diseases Water Molds and the Potato Famine

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