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Who are we? Introductions Think, Pair, Share Gender Tally Sticky Notes Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are we? Introductions Think, Pair, Share Gender Tally Sticky Notes Discussion."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who are we? Introductions Think, Pair, Share Gender Tally Sticky Notes Discussion

3 Typical Writing Challenges of Gifted Students Disorganization Labored handwriting Slow to start Easily Frustrated Others?

4 So…What have you done? Yell and scream at homework time? Bribery? Purchase every writing utensil possible? Threaten a consequence? Say forget it…go back to that book???

5 Definition

6 Types of Dysgraphia Dyslexic Dysgraphia Motor Dysgraphia Spatial Dysgraphia

7 Dysgraphia: More Than Bad Handwriting Tight, awkward pencil grip Inconsistent spacing between letters/words Posture problems Disorganized thoughts Avoidance of writing or motor tasks

8 Common Symptoms of Dysgraphia Inconsistencies in size, spacing, and formation Verbalizing while writing Illegible Processing Difficulties Word omissions and unfinished sentences Syntax and grammar problems

9 Sample of Dysgraphic Writing

10 How do we know? To be identified with dysgraphia, a comprehensive psychological assessment needs to be completed.

11 HELP!!!! To qualify for services, a diagnosis of a disability needs to be determined under the standards set by the IDEA with a qualifying label such as LD for Learning Disabilities.

12 It takes a VILLAGE Parents Teachers Psychologists Social Workers Administrators

13 Special Education Info Virginia Dept. of Education-Division of Special Education and Student Services df

14 SO… No Dysgraphia-NOW WHAT?

15 Elementary Students Fine motor exercises Writing tools that promote feedback Specialty papers with raised lines Dictation to a scribe Encouragement and PRAISE Practice Practice Practice!

16 Tweens, Teens, Technology Keyboarding programs Computers Laptops Alpha Smarts (NEO) Franklin Spellers

17 Ready Writers Direct Instruction Specific Strategies Occupational Therapists Assistive Technology Rep

18 Brain Gym Brain Gym exercises were used to warm up prior to writing.

19 Fine Motor Feedback

20 Multi-Sensory

21 Practice and PRAISE


23 Resources Onion Mountain Technology, Inc Therapro-handwriting programs C19161.aspx C19161.aspx Council for Exceptional Children-Twice Exceptional or 2E

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