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Group members: Neely Alison Tre Darin Chris Jordan Sante.

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Presentation on theme: "Group members: Neely Alison Tre Darin Chris Jordan Sante."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group members: Neely Alison Tre Darin Chris Jordan Sante

2 I tested the level of nitrates and the pH level in all three areas, riffle, run and pool. Here’s the data I collected: Riffle: Nitrates: 0 -.25 pH: 3 – 6.5 Run: Nitrates: 0 pH: 5 – 9 Pool: Nitrates: 0 pH: 8 – 8.5 By: Neely

3 While using the D-ring me and Neely held in the water and we used our feet to kick the rocks and water so that everything that was under the rocks and it that area of the water would go into our net. Calculations: I calculated the data as well

4 Dissolved Oxygen and Phosphates I tested the dissolved oxygen levels and phosphate levels in the stream to see whether it was a healthy stream or not. My conclusion is that in fact it is a healthy stream. Also there were no phosphates measured By Chris

5 Tasks Filled water bottle Picked up specimen with the fish net Recorded data

6 Duties We tested the pool, riffle, and the run. And we had to turn the rocks to look for the fishes, and crayfish. We also tested all types of temperatures in all three areas.

7 Riffle A shallow stretch of a river or string witch the current is above average stream velocity. It’s often consisted of a rocky bed of gravel for other small stones.

8 Pool A stretch of a river stream and the water depth is above average and the velocity is below average. The pool part of the stream provides a special habitat for organisms that have trouble feeding or swimming in swifter parts of the stream or in warmer weather.

9 Run A smooth flowing part of the stream The run is the fastest part of the stream

10 Heterotroph is an organism that uses organic carbon for growth by consuming other organisms.

11 Autotroph is a producer that makes proteins carbohydrates and fats using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis

12 Raw Materials Producers 1 st level consumers 2 nd level consumers 3 rd level consumers DECOMPOSERSDECOMPOSERS

13 Work citied eterotroph.html 6_991/un

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