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Topic: « Let’s play…» Students form a circle. A ball is required. 1) One by one takes the ball… 2) …goes in the centre of the circle and calls out his.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: « Let’s play…» Students form a circle. A ball is required. 1) One by one takes the ball… 2) …goes in the centre of the circle and calls out his."— Presentation transcript:


2 Topic: « Let’s play…»

3 Students form a circle. A ball is required. 1) One by one takes the ball… 2) …goes in the centre of the circle and calls out his name (introduces himself). 3) Throws the ball to the next and so on.



6 A whistle is necessary. 1) We run all around and … 2) Stop at the blow of the whistle. 3) We approach someone who is close to us and we join our hands, knees, head according to the instructor’s motto.



9 1. Students choose fruits and are divided into groups, with each group having the name of a fruit. 2. According to the instructor’s signal, teams change their places, quickly. 3. In the end all fruit-teams mingle making a fruit salad.

10 Banana team

11 Watermelon team

12 Grapes team

13 Pear team

14 Orange team


16 Instructor : Maria Kyloni

17 1. Students - music accompaniment- are copying animator’s movements.





22 Students: 20 All the schoolSpecial schoolGeneral schoolClass 6 th Students: 24

23 PROFESSIONALS INVOLVED Special school Involved teachers: 6 Assistants: 2 Professionals: 2 General school Involved teacher: 1

24 The yard of the 18 th Primary School of Xanthi

25 Cooperative learning

26  Degree of student involvement  Degree of student interaction High Medium Low High Medium Low

27  Teachers intervention  Degree of achievement of objectives Constant guidance Medium guidance Subtle guidance High Medium Low

28 1.This kind of actions–psychomotor- always achieve a very high degree of involvement and interaction of students. 2.They require minimal guidance from teachers. 3.We have a repertoire of such actions to use them in our meetings with different schools.


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