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Married July 29, 1883 8 friends Just became the political leader of the fascist party. A photo of me preaching to my nation. Me doing my roman salute to.

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Presentation on theme: "Married July 29, 1883 8 friends Just became the political leader of the fascist party. A photo of me preaching to my nation. Me doing my roman salute to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Married July 29, 1883 8 friends Just became the political leader of the fascist party. A photo of me preaching to my nation. Me doing my roman salute to my people.

2 Took power from the king, with Hitler and Germany at our side, we are not stoppable. Wall II Me in my military uniform. Me and Hitler at the public domain.

3 Today we declared War on Britain and France, we will fight to the death. Wall III Hitler at my side at a conference. Commanding my troops.

4 Me and my wife are now headed to switzerland to flee to spain! Wall IV Me and my family. Me and my wife.

5 Benito Mussolini was killed, and hung by Italian partisans. Wall V July 29, 1883 – April 28, 1945

6 Male July 29, 1883 Paris, Italy married Republican fascist party Roman catholic Atheist Command my troops and people. Favorite music Elections and political meeting. I am not a movie person Mien Kampf by Adolf Hitler My name is Benito Mussolini, I was born July 29, 1883, I am the Dictator of Italy and a leader in political parties. I am married, have 3 kids, and I am associated with Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Germany. April 28, 1945 Profile

7 Friends Adolf HitlerVictor Emmanuel III Luigi Facta Pietro BadoligioIvanoe Bonomi Leonida bissolati Cesare BattistiPietro Nenni Rachele Mussolini Galeazzo Ciano

8 Photos

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