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By Gabi Carney and Hannah Donovan.  Established July 1, 1867  The constitution act, 1867, is known as the British North American Act (BNAA)  Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "By Gabi Carney and Hannah Donovan.  Established July 1, 1867  The constitution act, 1867, is known as the British North American Act (BNAA)  Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Gabi Carney and Hannah Donovan

2  Established July 1, 1867  The constitution act, 1867, is known as the British North American Act (BNAA)  Executive Government and Authority over Canada belongs to the Queen.  Constitution Amendment, 1993 (New Brunswick), established the equality of the English-speaking and French-speaking communities in New Brunswick.

3  The constitutional History started in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris to state the rights of the people after Britain’s victory over France and Spain.  The principle of the rule of law was defined as no one is above the law and that laws must exist, as they uphold society's values.  A Bill of Rights which shall reflect the respect of Parliament for its constitutional authority and which shall ensure the protection of these rights and freedoms in Canada.


5  Anyone wishing to be a Canadian citizen must recite a statement and sign the Oath of Citizenship.  Parliamentary / Monarchy  The Crown is the foundation of the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government.

6  Executive  all government departments, the armed forces, Crown corporations and other bodies  It is composed of the Queen (represented by the Governor General), the Cabinet (a body of high-ranking members of government that includes the prime minister) and the administration.  Judicial  Administers justice by interpreting and applying the law. It includes judges and the courts and operates independently from the other branches of government.

7  Legislative  the elected law-making branch of government, is made up of the Queen (represented by the Governor General), the House of Commons and the Senate. Parliament is considered to be the highest political institution in Canada's political system.  Provides a forum for debate of the day's leading political issues, and has the power and responsibility to create laws.

8  The climate crisis  Economic instability  Increasing militarism  A growing gap between rich and poor

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