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Partnering with Adult Learners Breaking Barriers by Recognizing Experiential & Non-Formal Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering with Adult Learners Breaking Barriers by Recognizing Experiential & Non-Formal Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering with Adult Learners Breaking Barriers by Recognizing Experiential & Non-Formal Learning

2 Academic Barriers Academic Barriers It’s time to break through! Activity Sheet

3 Knowledge Skills Abilities Personal Attributes What do we mean by ‘Learning’? Formal Learning Non-Formal Learning Informal Learning

4 And links it with formal learning. PLAR PLAR recognizes the value of non-formal and informal learning in the development of our workforce: Work experience Non-credit courses Industry training Self-study Volunteer activities

5 PLAR is a valid process of identifying learning documenting/proving learning assessing learning recognizing that learning formally It is based on clear learning outcomes and occupational standards. It measures prior learning and current competence.

6 Proven Skill or Knowledge Candidate provides evidence that learning is: relevent to a specific course/discipline current at the depth/level of post-secondary training Credit earned only: when the standard expectations for the learning outcomes in the course are met.

7 PLAR Responds To: Access to education Labour mobility/portable credentials Qualification recognition (occupational and international) Occupations in transition Workforce adjustments Emerging occupations Training partnerships Efficient use of training dollars

8 Barriers & Benefits

9 Adult Learners Increasingly more mature students (25 years+) May work part-time or full-time while studying Come with a variety of work and volunteer experiences May have worked already in the field of study Have have family/life commitments Have have expectations about what they need to learn and what they already know PLAR Benefits Valued for their skill and knowledge Redundant Training Reduced Save or Reallocate Time Better use of Training Dollar

10 “Drop Outs” aka Successful Early Leavers Students develop enough skill and knowledge to become marketable Quit programs when offered employment Minimal # courses remaining Attending classes is difficult Develop remaining skills on the job over time PLAR Benefits Recognizes alternate learning methods Reduces time to graduate student completes program (more graduates for you!) improves mobility for low seniority worker

11 Licensing/Regulatory Changes Example: Early Childhood Education Employment standard changed; workers must have ECE Certificate Competent workers already learned through on-the-job training, mentoring and experience Workers cannot afford to leave jobs for retraining GAP training available by distance PLAR Benefits workforce credentials upgraded efficiently no loss-time & no loss wages retain qualified, experienced workers eliminate redundant training

12 Certification and Re-Certification Example: Continuing Nursing Education and Advanced Clinical Practices skill/knowledge standards required by employment in specializations Currency obtained in the field Skills and knowledge are transferable and can be assessed PLAR Benefits shorten employment response time to certify qualified workers reduce redundant training

13 Mentorship Learning Examples: Fine Arts, Media and Graphic Arts Established in an arts community Study with a master of artistic choice Highly specialized Need flexible access to education Importance of credentials increasing PLAR Benefits Respect learning styles and special needs Accommodates specialized skill development Blends creative environment with educational structures

14 Customized Courses Example: Computer Applications coned requests for short, specific workshops no evaluation/non-credit Further develop & apply skills over time PLAR Benefits Responds to diverse training deliveries Supports “just-in-time” requirements Provides for individual certification needs

15 Emerging Technologies new educational programs Existing experienced workers in field Previous training is industry specific PLAR Benefits credential the experts who pioneer new occupations or technical skill sets portable credentials across industries Cost-effective for students and employer

16 Distance Learners Example: Off Campus/ Correspondence/ Virtual Delivery selective in study choices and variety of sources often working in a related field limited access to formal/traditional education PLAR Benefits values alternative learning methods efficiency for student Completes a recognized credential

17 Interested in learning more about how to implement PLAR? Consider RPL Practitioner Advanced Certificate Training for Professionals (Educators, Counselors, and Human Resource Specialists) Visit our website: ncedcertificate/5883/8665/5854/index.shtml

18 For More Information Kim Orynik – PLAR Coordinator For More Information Kim Orynik – PLAR Coordinator Email: Cristal Gobeil – PLAR Facilitator Email: Saskatchewan Institute Applied Science & Technology (SIAST) PLAR web page:

19 Questions - Comments – Discussion Thank you!

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