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INTRODUCTION TO EVOLUTION Sections 10.1 & 10.2. Overview  Common Misconceptions  Defining Evolution & key words  How the science of evolution developed.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO EVOLUTION Sections 10.1 & 10.2. Overview  Common Misconceptions  Defining Evolution & key words  How the science of evolution developed."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTION TO EVOLUTION Sections 10.1 & 10.2

2 Overview  Common Misconceptions  Defining Evolution & key words  How the science of evolution developed.  Geological Theories  Darwin & the Galapagos Islands

3 Common Misconceptions of Evolutionary Science  Deals with the Origins of Life:  Evolution deals with the origins of species.  Its concerns are not just about humans (but all species)  Its Only a Theory:  Evolution is a scientifically proven fact of life.  Direct observation  It is intend to undermine religion or disprove a higher power.  Evolution is neutral  God is neither eliminated or required.  It was discovered by Charles Darwin.  Darwin along with many other scientists developed ideas and gathered evidence to support an idea that had been around far before Darwin was ever born.

4 What?  Evolution: the process of biological change.  How a species ancestors differ from their descendants.  A new species arises from earlier species through accumulated changes.

5 Why?  Evolution is NOT a theory it is a fact.  Been discussed and analyzed scientifically for almost 300 years.  Evidence based research  Observed in nature

6 Who?  Create a chart: NameYear of Birth – DeathContributions 3 x 8 LeaveSpaceAbove ForMoreDefinitions!

7 About the 17 th & 18 th Centuries  Scientists started to challenge the ideas of Ancient Greece.  1600s consensus belief of the earth creation.  Belief in witchcraft and magic declined (last execution in 1685).  First steam engine: 1712  Land ownership translated to wealth  Both boys & girls went to separate schools.  Girls emphasized on “accomplishments” like embroidery or music rather than academics.  John Hunter revolutionizes medicine.  Invents the tracheotomy.  Mr. Wilson was born: 1756…..?

8 Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778  Developed classification system.  Groups by physical similarities.  Still in use by scientists today. “binomial nomenclature”  Proposed hybridization: crossing of species.  Species: Group of organisms so similar to one another that they can reproduce.

9 Georges Buffon 1707-1788  French naturalist  Proposed species shared ancestors.  Rejected belief that earth was only 6000 years old. This style…totally coming back!

10 Erasmus Darwin 1731-1802  English doctor/poet  Proposed all living things descended from a common ancestor.  Grandson Charles expanded upon this.  Considered different mechanisms of evolution.

11 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck 1744-1829  French Naturalist  Believed all organisms evolved towards “perfection.”  Didn’t believe in extinction.  Change in environment caused changes in organisms.  “Inheritance of acquired characteristics”

12 Brain Break  Did you know:  If you chew a unsalted cracker for long enough it turns sweet?  Laughter was originally used by early man to let others know that danger was thwarted?  In an average lifespan you will walk the distance around the equator 5 times.

13 Georges Cuvier 1769-1832  Big player in developing evidence about the real age of the Earth.  Used geologicalevidence to support his theories.  Different layersof rock had different characteristics.  Differing fossils.  Lead to theory of catastrophism.

14 Catastrophism  Defined: natural disasters have happened often during Earth’s history that lead to species becoming extinct.  Cuvier’s fossils.

15 James Hutton 1726-1797  Geologist  Proposed change in landforms resulted over a long period of time.  Principle of gradualism.  Canyons, soil, changing rock shape

16 Charles Lyell 1797-1875  Published theory of uniformitarianism.  Earth’s shape has been changed uniformly through time.  Observed changes on small scale & inferred that they must happen on a larger scale.  Replaced catastrophism as favored theory of geographic change.

17 Uniformitarianism

18 Charles Darwin 1809-1882  1831 Set sail on HMS Beagle from England to map coast of South American and the Pacific Islands.  Spent much time recording observations on shore.  Galapagos Islands observations.  Was struck by the variations he found.

19 Key Definitions  Variation: difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals within the same group.  Adaptation: A feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment.

20 Species Adaptations

21 Back to Darwin  Observed fossil evidence similar to species still alive.  Made connection that they could have a relationship.  Fossil evidence meant earth had to be greater than 6000 years old.  Observed marine animal fossils high in mountains.  Eventually his research lead to the development of his writings on natural selection.

22 End of Notes!

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