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Factoring a Binomial There are two possibilities when you are given a binomial. It is a difference of squares There is a monomial to factor out.

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Presentation on theme: "Factoring a Binomial There are two possibilities when you are given a binomial. It is a difference of squares There is a monomial to factor out."— Presentation transcript:


2 Factoring a Binomial There are two possibilities when you are given a binomial. It is a difference of squares There is a monomial to factor out.

3 Common Monomial Factor

4 Special Cases 4 Perfect Squares Must be subtraction Square root of the first number Square root of the second number Addition and then subtraction

5 Special Cases 5

6 Factoring Quadratic Trinomials When a≠1 -32  4 -1,32 -2,16 -4,8 6  5 1,6 2,3

7 Factoring By Grouping 1)Group the first two terms and the second two terms 2) Factor the GCF out of each pair 3) Factor out the common binomial factor.

8 Factoring Quadratic Trinomials When a≠1 **We can not approach this problem the same way we approach problems where a=1. We have to factor by grouping, so we need to re-write this quadratic expressions with 4 terms.

9 Factoring Practice **Think ahead. You know your second binomial needs to match the first. Anticipate when you need to factor out a negative.

10 Factoring Practice

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