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Software Status  Last Software Workshop u Held at Fermilab just before Christmas. u Completed reconstruction testing: s MICE trackers and KEK tracker.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Status  Last Software Workshop u Held at Fermilab just before Christmas. u Completed reconstruction testing: s MICE trackers and KEK tracker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Status  Last Software Workshop u Held at Fermilab just before Christmas. u Completed reconstruction testing: s MICE trackers and KEK tracker s All combinations of multiple scattering and dE/dx processes on or off. s Fixed field approximation and use of full field map. u All tests passed! u Unfortunately... 1M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

2 KEK Analysis Application u Was found to have problems in the track fit. u This makes no sense as it is the same code that was used in the tests, reading in the same simulated data as input! u Aron and I working on understanding and fixing this problem now. u Once that is sorted out, we will make the next release. u Focus will then shift to the external library upgrade. 2M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

3 Data Challenge  Henry has successfully installed G4MICE on the GRID machines at Brunel.  He has also come up with a scheme for controlling the compiler and external library versions satisfactorily.  Once the next release is made, it will be installed and we will start a series of simulation and reconstruction challenges. 3M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

4 Compiler and Libraries  Tamas and Chris have started the process of preparing G4MICE for a much newer compiler (was version 3.2.3 moving to one in the version 4 series).  This will result in more stable, trust- worthy code (as the older compilers let us get away with bad practise).  We are also taking the opportunity to upgrade the external libraries. 4M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

5 External Libraries  We will be moving to newer versions of ROOT, CLHEP, GEANT4 and possibly GSL.  We will also be adding a new external library: PostgreSQL (required for the online database!).  Once this is done, we plan to make no further changes to these libraries or the compiler during Phase 1. 5M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

6 Online Database u Still behind where I would like to be. u Really need to collect requirements so that we can finish a first design in the next couple of weeks. u Paul has had replies from some people, but we certainly do not have enough information. u Unless we hear from each sub-system (e.g. detector, beam-line, cooling channel, etc) we will have to make “educated” guesses... 6M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

7 Online Reconstruction  The reconstruction code works nicely once presented with calibrated information (“digits” in my jargon).  The problem will be how to extract these from a raw file of 1s and 0s.  There are three areas involved: u Raw data file unpacking. u Detector cabling information. u Detector calibration information. 7M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

8 Raw Data Unpacking u We made slow progress towards unpacking the DATE format in G4MICE last year. u This now needs to be finished ASAP! u I have a number of sample files from JSG, but still have problems with random crashes (lots of memory management issues that need to be done correctly). u This is still very much a work in progress. u We also need the ability to unpack the EPICS information in G4MICE. This work has not yet begun (but will do so shortly). 8M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

9 Detector Cabling  A scheme exists for the Tracker (has done for some time).  A scheme exists for the TOF that was developed for the KEK test. No guarantee that it is appropriate for the MICE TOF’s readout scheme.  The CKOV will be simple to implement.  The rest will have to be done “on the fly” as it is now too late to be done in advance (as was originally planned). 9M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

10 Detector Calibration  Again, a scheme exists for the SciFi and for the TOFs from the KEK test beam.  That for the CKOV will be simple to implement.  Again, it will have to be done on the fly as data starts to arrive (and once we can actually unpack it!). 10M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

11 New G4MICE!  Good news!  Several new productive users of G4MICE: u Andrew (Glasgow) u Mark (Oxford/RAL) u Ken (Imperial)  All are making great progress. 11M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 10th January 2008

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