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National Association of County and City Health Officials Kathleen Cook  Member NACCHO Information Technology Committee  Information & Fiscal Manager,

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Presentation on theme: "National Association of County and City Health Officials Kathleen Cook  Member NACCHO Information Technology Committee  Information & Fiscal Manager,"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Association of County and City Health Officials Kathleen Cook  Member NACCHO Information Technology Committee  Information & Fiscal Manager, Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department

2 Critical:  Integrate with current and future state and federal requirements  Long life expectancy for local applications  Need to make sound business case for long-term usability

3 Overwhelming:  How and where do you find the right standard  Alphabet soup  Applications developed support broad range of public health activities

4  Education / Disseminating Information  Research / Gathering information  Facilitates partnerships / Promotes collaboration  Presents and Advocates for needs of Local public health in national forums

5 Disseminating Information  Presentation on Importance of Data Standards, ASTHO/NACCHO Joint Conference  Resolution #01-06 “Resolution on Electronic Data Interchange Technology (revised 9/9/2003)  NACCHO Exchange Special Information Technology Supplement 2004  Scholarships for local health departments to attend the PHIN conference

6 Gathering Information  Partnership with Public Health Informatics Institute to Survey 23 local health departments regarding public health information systems  Departments surveyed were medium to large LPHAs serving populations over 100,000

7 Promoting Collaboration  NACCHO Information Technology Committee members actively participate in national initiatives to represent local needs  PHDSC, CDC Information Council, PHIN User Groups  Drafting Joint Principles for State-Local Collaboration on Information Technology Systems

8  Improved education and informational tools  Continued enhancement of the PHDSC website  More user guides / road maps / case studies  Connecting people who are implementing or using data standards

9 Local Health Departments Are:  89% reported that system integration efforts are currently underway or highly likely in the next six to eighteen months  62.5% (10 out of 17) reported having major problems with integration efforts related to data standards  Actively Investing in System Integration  Facing Challenges related to Data Standards

10 Percent of surveyed LPH by type of program/activities involved in integration efforts n=18 Administrative functions50% Child/Maternal Health56% Communicable Disease Control72% Environmental Health/Inspections/ Licensing44% Epidemiology/Surveillance67% Health Education22% Personal Health Services28%


12  Expand the view of public health data standards to be inclusive of all population-based health

13 Percent of LPHAs currently undertaking or likely to undertake a systems integration effort in the next six to eighteen months? N=18 Area of integrationCurrentHighly likely Combined Within LPHA 50%25%75% With other local agencies 44%25%69% With other agencies in state 19%38%56% Total currently or highly likely to undertake system integration efforts 94%

14  Monitor and analyze emerging efforts and assist local public health to identify the public health perspectives that need a voice

15 This is where the rubber meets the road

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