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Dynamic Learning Maps Update Linda Howley, Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Joanne Winkelman, Office of Special Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Learning Maps Update Linda Howley, Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Joanne Winkelman, Office of Special Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Learning Maps Update Linda Howley, Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Joanne Winkelman, Office of Special Education

2 Common Core Essential Elements Our Future System: Standards & Assessment General Assessment Alternate Assessment

3 Implications for the future With the increased rigor of the common core state standards, we must have higher expectations for all learners. The emphasis on technology access for both instruction and assessment purposes is essential. Thoughtfully examine the changes in the criteria for alternate assessment. Recognize the need for shift in the area of professional development for all educators in understanding the relationship of how the Common Core State Standards and the Common Core Essential Elements is impacting the educational system.

4 Future Assessment Changes Computer adaptive tests for all students. Access issues include the need for all learners to be familiar with technology and the accessibility features they need on a regular basis. Accessibility features will be built into the technology platform. To access these accommodations every student will receive those based upon their unique needs recognized by a personal profile for that student. Expect some accommodation changes as we move from traditional paper based towards computer based assessments.

5 Technology Features for DLM Touch screen technology Audio via sound files American Sign Language video Pop-up context-dependent dictionaries/glossaries Text and image magnification On-screen note taking Color overlays IntelliKeys™ keyboard accessibility Masking Text readers Refreshable braille displays

6 As result you can expect some changes in the future… Accommodations and selection process Development of Personal Needs Profiles Move towards consortium developed Participation Guidelines Accommodations Monitoring

7 As a result… Consortium developed eligibility criteria One percent-Who should be taking the test? Accommodations may vary within the consortiums Personal Needs Profiles (PNP) First Contact Survey

8 The First Contact Survey The First Contact Survey is a web based tool designed to inform the assessment system about students who participate in the alternate assessment. It will help test developers and the dynamic assessment prepare and present the appropriate items to each individual student. It informs the development of a PNP as it collects information on the student characteristics, educational and communication needs of students participating in the alternate assessment.

9 Participation in the First Contact Survey One survey should be completed by the primary educator for every student on alternate assessment. Approximately takes 15 minutes. Use the Student’s UIC. First Contact Survey is available by link. Window is currently open from now until January 31, 2013 but will be extended.

10 Information Collected Student demographics Sensory aids Mobility needs Assistive technology or AAC devices Current level of communication Computer access Health and behavior issues Level of receptive/expressive language, attention to instruction, reading, writing and mathematics

11 How this data will be used Develop appropriate item types and make sure the system goes ‘low enough’ for our Participation and Supported Independence students. Assist with task development and provide information on prevalent assistive technology devices. This will ultimately inform how each student interacts with the online assessment system. Will help the DLM team design our Personal Needs Profile (PNP) by: – Defining the variables that will be included on the PNP. – Potentially pre-populating the PNP so response burden is reduced for educators if the survey is issued in the future.

12 Distribution of First Contact Survey

13 The Survey

14 Standards of Mathematics Practice and Students with Significant Disabilities Principles of English Language Arts Instruction and Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Two New Videos Available

15 Changes to the CCEEs Yes When? Most likely, Summer 2013 Why? Will there be……

16 CCEE/ Learning Map Nodes Alignment Nodes on the Learning Map must align with both the Common Core State Standards and the Common Core Essential Elements

17 What Else is Happening in DLM?





22 Next Up for Michigan First Contact Survey Scheduling state visit by DLM

23 Alternate ACCESS Currently available Designed for ELs who are also Students with Significant Disabilities Based on alternate performance indicators and alternate proficiency levels 23

24 Alternate ACCESS Available levels: – K - Future availability – Grades 1-2 – Grades 3-5 – Grades 6-8 – Grades 9-12 Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking Michigan plans to offer in 2013 24

25 Contact Information For more information, please contact the Michigan Department of Education state contacts: Linda Howley ( Joanne Winkelman ( or Adam Wyse(

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