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The Bible Speaks to our Condition A LOOK AT 2 KINGS 4:1-7.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bible Speaks to our Condition A LOOK AT 2 KINGS 4:1-7."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bible Speaks to our Condition A LOOK AT 2 KINGS 4:1-7

2 Introduction Have you ever stopped to consider and appreciate the many responsibilities mothers face? ◦If you were to ask a mother here what her responsibilities entail, could she name them all Imagine the added responsibilities placed upon mothers who have become widows ◦The added stress and worry at the loss of what her husband provided Our text this evening looks at a mother and widow facing the great responsibilities of maintaining her home and family This woman serves as a great example to us today

3 A mother who knew where to turn in times of need (vs 1) Her crisis ◦Her husband, a servant who feared and served the Lord is dead ◦The creditor is coming to take her sons away to be slaves Her response ◦She cried out to Elisha a servant of God ◦She recognized that God is the one to turn to in times of need Things to consider today ◦Death and debts are two great burdens we will all encounter in our lives ◦The widow went quickly to seek the wisdom and help of God, who do we turn to ◦Blessed is the man/woman who knows where to go when their family is in need

4 A woman who found the answer to her needs right at home (vs 2-4) Elisha’s response and questions ◦“What shall I do for you?” ◦Tell me, what do you have in the house?” What do you have in your house? A question for us to consider today ◦A spouse who loves and cares for you ◦Food enough to get through the day ◦Money for groceries and bills ◦Have you recognized the blessing God has already offered to you This woman appeared to have none of these things ◦“Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.” ◦Those who have the same answer often feel miserable and complain ◦This woman looked for a solution

5 A woman who found the answer to her needs right at home (vs 2-4) The woman’s discovery: she had a jar of oil ◦She had the potential answer to her problems right in front of her, she just needed help to recognize it ◦She was able to take advantage of what she had already been blessed with and come up with a way to keep her sons and move forward Point for us to consider today ◦The answer to our burdens or difficulties may be right at home, we just need to open our eyes and look for it ◦The choice is ours, we can focus on the negative and what we are lacking, or we can open our eyes to what we do have and figure out how to best use it

6 A woman who learned the blessings of allowing God to help us use what we have She listened to the words of Elisha and acted in faith She involved her sons in the work ◦She sent them borrowing ◦They heeded the command, “do not gather just a few” ◦They acted in obedience expecting an answer to their problem What God did with what she had ◦He took what she had and greatly multiplied it ◦He filled all the borrowed vessels providing for more than just her immediate debt Point for us to consider today: What will God do with what you have ◦Remember what he did with a young boys lunch ◦Remember what he did with the rod of Moses ◦Remember what he did with the sling shot of a young shepherd ◦Think of what he can do with what you may have

7 Conclusion What do you have in the house? Whatever you have is enough for God to use In order for this to happen, you must seek Him in time of need and trust Him to carry you through

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