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Christmas Classics Movie Trivia Pair up with someone beside you to answer the following questions. The winning team wins an all expense paid trip to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Christmas Classics Movie Trivia Pair up with someone beside you to answer the following questions. The winning team wins an all expense paid trip to the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Christmas Classics Movie Trivia Pair up with someone beside you to answer the following questions. The winning team wins an all expense paid trip to the North Pole.

3 Christmas Movie Trivia 1. 1. What toy was Buddy making when he failed to make his daily quota? a)Easy Bake Oven b)Etch-a-Sketch c)Toy train

4 Christmas Movie Trivia b) Etch-a-Sketch

5 Christmas Movie Trivia 2. 2. What does Buddy's brother Michael want for Christmas? a) skateboard b) X-Box c) Bike

6 Christmas Movie Trivia a) skateboard

7 Christmas Movie Trivia 3 3. Jon Favreau, the director of "Elf" makes a cameo appearance in what role? a)Police officer b)Doctor c)salesman

8 Christmas Movie Trivia b) doctor

9 Christmas Movie Trivia 4. Buddy tells the department store Santa that he smells like what? a)Macaroni and cheese b)Pizza c)Beef and cheese

10 Christmas Movie Trivia c) Beef and cheese

11 Christmas Movie Trivia 5. What Christmas song does Jovie start singing to try to help spread Christmas cheer? a)Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer b)Frosty the Snowman c)Santa Claus is Coming to Town

12 Christmas Movie Trivia c) Santa Claus is Coming to Town

13 Christmas Movie Trivia 6. According to Buddy, which of the following is NOT one of the four food groups used by elves? a) candy corn b) candy canes c) gum drops

14 Christmas Movie Trivia c) gum drops

15 Christmas Movie Trivia 7. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is ____ loud for all to hear.” a)Cheering b)Singing c)Whistling

16 Christmas Movie Trivia b) singing

17 Christmas Movie Trivia 8. Who raised Buddy? a)Santa Claus b)Mrs. Claus c)Papa Elf

18 Christmas Movie Trivia c) Papa Elf

19 Christmas Movie Trivia 9. What famous author does Greenway Press hire to help them with a pitch? a)Files Finch b)Files Minch c)Miles Finch

20 Christmas Movie Trivia c) Miles Finch

21 Christmas Movie Trivia 10. Where does Buddy's real father live? a)Chicago b)Boston c)New York City

22 Christmas Movie Trivia c) New York City


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