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O Worship the king and tell of his might

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1 O Worship the king and tell of his might

2 Praise Him, all creatures here below!
Doxology Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

3 Come People of the Risen King
Come People of the Risen King Who delight to bring Him praise Come all, and tune your hearts to sing To the Morning Star of grace.

4 From the shifting shadows of the earth We will lift our eyes to Him Where steady arms of mercy reach To gather children in.

5 Rejoice. Rejoice. Let every tongue rejoice
Rejoice!! Rejoice!! Let every tongue rejoice! One heart, one voice, Oh, Church of Christ, Rejoice!!

6 Come, those whose joy is morning sun, And those weeping through the night. Come, those who tell of battles won, And those struggling in the fight.

7 For His perfect love will never change, And His mercies never cease, But follow us through all our days With the certain hope of peace.

8 Rejoice. Rejoice. Let every tongue rejoice
Rejoice!! Rejoice!! Let every tongue rejoice! One heart, one voice, Oh, Church of Christ, Rejoice!!

9 Come, young and old from every land, Men and women of the faith
Come, young and old from every land, Men and women of the faith. Come, those with full or empty hands, Find the riches of His grace.

10 Over all the world His people sing; Shore to shore we hear them call The truth that cries through every age: “Our God is all in all.”

11 Rejoice. Rejoice. Let every tongue rejoice
Rejoice!! Rejoice!! Let every tongue rejoice! One heart, one voice, Oh, Church of Christ, Rejoice!! ***

12 A Coming Kingdom Thy Kingdom Come… Ps 72 - A better day is coming
Until then, the kingdoms of men will rise and fall… And while they do, God is preserving His people Israel and eventually He’ll fulfill all His promises, including a King who will reign on David’s throne forever.

13 Lift High the Name of Jesus
Lift high the Name of Jesus Of Jesus our King Make known the power of His grace The beauty of His peace

14 Remember how His mercy reached And we cried out to Him He lifted us to solid ground To freedom from our sin.

15 O sing my soul and tell all He’s done ‘Til the earth and heavens are filled with His glory.

16 There’s Something Better
God’s Great Plan There’s Something Better

17 Machashabah makh·ash·ä·vä‘ thought, intention, plan, purpose
Root: chashab to think, plan, esteem, calculate, invent, imagine, weave together Gen “You thought2803 evil against me; [but] God meant it2803 for good…” 


19 Daniel and the King’s Dream
Daniel and friends have been captured ch 1 Nebuchadnezzar’s 2nd year: 605BC 2.1 Neb has a dream, wants interpretation v.2 Twist – 1st tell me what I dreamed v.7 Reality and anger v.10-13 Let the executions begin Daniel is given time to pray v.17-19

20 God Answers v.19 Dan Praises v.20-23 Ari Escorts v.24-25 Neb Inquires v.26 Dan Explains v.27-30 The Dream Revealed v.31-45



23 What does this represent?



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