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“Colors” of Leadership Nancy L. Grandovic, RN, BSN, MEd., CHPN ® Director of Education Services.

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Presentation on theme: "“Colors” of Leadership Nancy L. Grandovic, RN, BSN, MEd., CHPN ® Director of Education Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Colors” of Leadership Nancy L. Grandovic, RN, BSN, MEd., CHPN ® Director of Education Services

2 Objectives Discuss characteristics of an effective leadership team Identify your personality style Describe how your style interacts with others Review strategies to promote an effective leadership team

3 Characteristics of an Effective Leadership Team What are they ?

4 Characteristics of an Effective Leadership Team Goal oriented Influence others Communicate Future planning / sustainability

5 Effective Leadership Teams Team success is critical to accomplish goals There are many dynamics when working with groups of people When more than one person is in a room ….potential for conflict Important to understand others

6 Effective Leadership Teams We tend to ‘like’ people who are like us … and criticize people ‘not like us’ This session will help us to appreciate the differences in others Variety is the Spice of Life!

7 Personalities In this room 4 basic personality types Identify your personality style 24 question profile

8 Score

9 What do they mean? Action Quality Busy Visionary Creative Future- oriented People- oriented Emotional Fun Precise Dependable Do the right thing

10 Let’s Look Closer at the Details Specifics of each ‘personality’ in different roles As a Communicator As the person in authority What they need in the workplace/on the team How perceived by others

11 RED Red think rules are a general guidelines to follow when convenient or if there is time.

12 Red… as a Communicator Results Bottom line Just the facts Fast-paced thinker Appears confident Appears intimidating Interrupts Short sentences

13 Red… in Authority Straightforward Practical Industrious Commonsense Influential Authoritative Takes charge Knows rank, status, politics

14 Red… what they need in the workplace/on team To be challenged To be given authority To be immediately rewarded To achieve / accomplish

15 Red… how others perceive Assertive Hyperactive Domineering No fun Short-fused Stubborn Poor Listeners Egotistical

16 Blues are visionaries, thinkers, see the future, some dreamers. BLUE

17 Blue… as a Communicator Sees the whole picture Projects into the future Seeks the ‘other side’ Why are we doing this Not into ‘now’ Not decision-maker Prefers 10 sentences to 5 Has difficulty following practical steps

18 Blue… in Authority Mentally active Self – starter Don’t like hassles Marks time on their own clock Prefers individual initiatives Neither gives nor appreciates strong directives Confident in own powers

19 Blue… what they need in the workplace/on team To develop and organize the complex To create a vision To be trusted To do strategic planning To have an intellectual challenge Keep promises NOT deadlines

20 Blue… how others perceive Procrastinators Inattentive Unproductive Future-oriented Easy going Quality oriented Aloof

21 GREEN Green are the party people. Give them a project and they want to get a committee together and make it a social event as well.

22 Green… as a Communicator Enthusiastic Informal, social meetings ….with coffee! Keeps the peace Values cooperative sharing Expressive, chatty Prefers being like to be respected Would rather call than write Prefers anecdotes to facts

23 Green… in Authority People oriented Participative managers Good delegators Draw our the feelings of others Promote group objectives Groups can exert pressure You lead: they influence Fight rules unfair to the group

24 Green… what they need in the workplace/the team To be involved with people To head committees To promote an idea / activity To motivate people To organize / coordinate Happiness seekers for everyone

25 Green… how others perceive Too good to be true Politicians Emotions interfere with judgment Pleasing Joke their way out of conflict Not to be trusted with personal information


27 Demand rational, logical testing of ideas Organized Want facts step-by-step Flat, monotone speakers Writing is orderly Structured Fluff is unbearable All must be accounted for

28 Goes by the Rules / Regulations They value operational principles Like predictable people Give clear orders Likes to control change Protects established customs Disciplined Treats colleagues formally

29 To account for things To schedule things To organize things into systems To collect information To insure quality Words to live by: Yes/no, right /wrong, good/bad, …no gray areas

30 Dull Professional Things first then people No sense of humor Hard working Compulsive

31 Combination of Styles Red / Green Leadership qualities - tasks / people Blue / Red Thinks things through then moves on them Yellow/Red ‘Achtung’ - do all and do perfect Goal Oriented People Skills Goal Oriented Strategic Planning Goal Oriented Rules Policies

32 Combination of Styles Yellow / Green Want a good time, but know I shouldn’t Blue / Green Get together and ponder Yellow / Blue Loves data but does nothing with it People Skills Rules Policies Strategic Planning People Skills Rules Policies Strategic Planning

33 Styles Combination of styles may function differently in one setting from another, when it’s required of us Balanced Easy to adjust to all styles Absent colors May create a challenge

34 Strategies to promote an effective leadership team Celebrate Differences Different personality styles make the most effective Chapter Leadership Identify gaps / recruit ◦ Changing needs of members Goal Oriented Strategic Planning People Skills Rules Policies

35 Changing Needs of the Members Generations ◦ Traditionalists ◦ Baby Boomer ◦ Gen X ◦ Gen Y Communication Meetings setting outcome Education Adult learners

36 Thank You ! Variety is the Spice of Life! Thank you

37 References Ceridian. Understanding different work styles leads to better teamwork. Ceridian Connection, January 2008.,6266,15757-69730,00.html. Accessed July 5, 2013. Characteristics of Effective Leadership. Available leadership. Accessed July 5, 2013. Effective Teamwork. Available at people/work-group-dynamics/effective-teamwork.htm. Accessed July 5, 2013. Keys to a High Performance Team. Available at team. Accessed July 5, 2013. Keys to Planning Effective Meetings. Available at meetings. Accessed July 5, 2013.

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