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To-Do: Grab a purple Harry Potter lab sheet from the back counter. On your desk you will need: Calculator (if you have one) Journal Harry Potter Lab Sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "To-Do: Grab a purple Harry Potter lab sheet from the back counter. On your desk you will need: Calculator (if you have one) Journal Harry Potter Lab Sheet."— Presentation transcript:


2 To-Do: Grab a purple Harry Potter lab sheet from the back counter. On your desk you will need: Calculator (if you have one) Journal Harry Potter Lab Sheet Writing Utensil CLEAR EVERYTHING ELSE! Study for your quiz on Properties of Matter (starts in 5 min)

3 Element, Compound, Mixture Title (Blue) – Speculate what the poem is about based on title Paraphrase (green) – for each section of poem, write in your own words what this means Connotation – (color of choice) – emotions & words contribute to meaning, effect, or both of the poem Attitude – (color of choice) – Author’s attitude Shifts – (color of choice) – changes in direction of the poem Title (other blue) – Now look at title on interpretive level – what new insight does the title provide in understanding the poem? Theme (red) – What subject does poem address, and what did you learn about those subjects? What ideas does the poet want you to take away ?

4 To-Do: Self Grade the 3 items below with the provided answer keys at your table. Density Calculation WS Dunkin’ For Density Element, Compound, Mixture Poem Answer the reflect questions on page 63 in your journal. Title the entry: Types of Mixtures Grab a blank 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper and write down the following information on the top corner of your sheet… Square of Air Rubric 1. A color coded key with labels is present. 2. At least 6 different components of air are represented 3. All components are drawn to size and the correct number of molecules are bonded for each part of air 4. The page is filled with the correct ratio of all required components of air 5. Effort and Quality 6. Questions answered on the back of the sheet Scientific Optimism! Each item above will be assessed on a 1-5 point scale: 1 2 3 4 5 No Evidence Some Evidence Average Mastery of Task

5 Read 2.3 (pgs. 69-76) Then draw a picture of air Use a blank 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper Include a color coded key for all components that you draw If oxygen is part of air…how many oxygens would I see (give it a color) If carbon dioxide is part of air…how many would I see (give it a color) Etc. Square of Air Activity

6 1.What elements are in air? 2.What compounds are in air? 3.Write a sentence or two to classify air. Consider the following: Element vs. Compound vs. Mixture? heterogeneous or homogenous? Is air a solution? 4.Draw a pie chart of the composition of the air and include labels and a color coded key. 5.Define the following words using page 76 in your Air Quality book. 1.Solution 2.Solvent 3.Solute 4.Concentration 5.Saturated Square of Air Activity

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