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Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council (AZ SILC) The Disability Empowerment Center 5025 E Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 Tony DiRienzi

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Presentation on theme: "Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council (AZ SILC) The Disability Empowerment Center 5025 E Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 Tony DiRienzi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council (AZ SILC) The Disability Empowerment Center 5025 E Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 Tony DiRienzi 602/262-2900, voice/TTY

2 AZ SILC Topic: What is SILC? What are Access & Functional Needs (AFN)? Who has Access & Functional Needs?

3 AZ SILC SILC is an AZ Governor’s advisory council and non profit organization, whose members: Are a majority of people with a disability, Represent the diversity of AZ, Assess and advocate for issues related to Independent Living.

4 AZ SILC Independent Living is about Civil Rights. Our goal is to ensure that People with Disabilities have equal access to live and participate in their community.

5 AZ SILC Historically, Emergency Planning has designated AFN Population as Special and/or Vulnerable.

6 AZ SILC The perception of Special discriminates and segregates.

7 AZ SILC You can’t be Special and Equal at the same time

8 AZ SILC Vulnerable means being exposed to to things or situations that can do you harm.

9 AZ SILC Vulnerability is reduced or eliminated by assessing risks, developing plans testing strategies, and having appropriate assets and resources..

10 AZ SILC People with Disabilities are the majority of the Access & Functional Needs (AFN) Population.

11 AZ SILC Other groups in AFN Population: Pregnant Women Aging/Children Temporary Medical Conditions Homeless Non English Speaking Recent Hospital Discharges

12 m


14 The ability of an individual to accomplish their Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) is the criteria for Access & Functional Need.

15 AZ SILC Examples of ADLs: Walking Bathing/Showering, Dressing, Communicating, Toileting, and Socializing.

16 AZ SILC AFN Major Categories: Mobility (Walking) Sensory(Seeing, Hearing) Cognitive(Processing Information) Mental(Behavior) Self Care( Multiple ADLs)

17 AZ SILC Equipment for ADLs: Power Wheelchairs, Audio Input/Output Electronic Devices, Text Devices, Video Telephones.

18 AZ SILC Services for ADLs: American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters, Animals, and Personal Care Attendants.

19 AZ SILC Accessibility is vital for individuals with AFN to be Independent.

20 AZ SILC Accessibility means: Easy to use, enter, reach, apply, Being at hand when needed, Easy to meet, interact with, communicate with, or contact.

21 AZ SILC Accessibility must be integrated into Emergency Planning in order to provide inclusive and whole community Response and Recovery.

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25 People with Access and Functional Needs, must be afforded the same level of safety and security in their communities as everyone else.

26 AZ SILC AZ Total Population = 6,392,017 People with Disabilities = 1,642,748 25.7% of Population

27 AZ SILC AZ AFN Population: 8.03% - Difficulty in Walking = 513,279 3.73% - Unable to use stairs = 238,422 1.92% - Cane, Crutch, etc. = 122,272 0.72% - Wheelchair Users = 46,023 2.12% - Self Care = 134,232

28 AZ SILC AZ AFN Population: 5.46% - Hard of Hearing = 349,004 0.46% - Deaf = 29,403 4.25% - Low Vision = 271,661 0.64% - Blind = 40,909 4.12% - Cognitive = 262,073

29 AZ SILC Integrating Functional Needs in Emergency Preparedness Planning: Save Lives, Reduces stress on assets and resources during an emergency, and It’s the Law.

30 AZ SILC Legal Considerations: The Rehab Act, 1973, Section 504 The Americans for Disabilities Act, 1990 Presidential Executive Order 13347, 2004 Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act, 2006

31 AZ SILC “Disasters are always inclusive, Response and Recovery are not unless we plan for it.” June Isaacson Kailes

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