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Muscle Action Muscle cells are polarized, have charge Excess of Na+ ions in ECF Excess of K+ ions in ICF mixed with PO 4 -3 cause muscle fiber to have.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscle Action Muscle cells are polarized, have charge Excess of Na+ ions in ECF Excess of K+ ions in ICF mixed with PO 4 -3 cause muscle fiber to have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscle Action Muscle cells are polarized, have charge Excess of Na+ ions in ECF Excess of K+ ions in ICF mixed with PO 4 -3 cause muscle fiber to have negative charge The negative RMP is maintained by Na+/K+ pumps

2 Muscle Action Depolarization: when ion gates of fiber are opened and ICF briefly becomes positive Repolarization: the return to RMP caused by K+ leaving cell Action potential: the quick voltage shift from RMP(-90mV) to 75mV and back to RMP

3 Excitation 1.Voltage reaches knob causes Ca 2+ to be released 2.Ca 2+ causes ACh to be released into cleft 3.ACh diffuses across cleft and binds to ACh receptors

4 Excitation 4.Bound receptors cause ion gates to open allowing Na+ to flow in and K+ to flow out, charge spikes to 75mV and then quickly falls to RMP as K+ ions flow out 5.Action potential is achieved muscle cell is excited

5 Contraction 6.Charged wave of action potential travels from the synapse to the tissue around the sarcomeres like ripples in a pond 7.The charge causes tissue to release Ca+ that diffuses into the sarcomere 8.Ca+ binds to the thin filaments causing the G actin active sites to be exposed for binding myosin heads

6 Contraction 9.The myosin head breaks down ATP into ADP and Pi and uses the energy to move and bind to the active site forming the cross-bridge 10.The head releases the ADP and Pi causing a power stroke where the thin filament is pulled over the thick 11.The head will stay bound until another ATP binds to it breaking the cross-bridge

7 Relaxation 12.Nerve impulses stop, ACh is not released 13.AChE breaks down the ACh left in the cleft and the components are reabsorbed by the knob 14.Active transport Ca+ pumps return the gradient to pre action potential levels

8 Relaxation 15.Low Ca+ concentrations cause Ca+ to unbind from G actin covering the active sites 16.Muscle returns to resting length

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