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Cell Division Chapter 10.

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1 Cell Division Chapter 10

2 10.1 Cell Growth, Division, and Reproduction
Key Questions: What are some of the difficulties a cell faces as it increases in size? How do asexual and sexual reproduction compare? Vocab Cell division Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction

3 What are some of the difficulties a cell faces as it increases in size?
Information overload All critical info is stored in DNA As the cell grows, that info is used build the molecules needed As the cell increases, the amount of DNA does not! If the cell continues to grow there will be a lack of information

4 Limit to cell size (continued..)
Exchanging materials: The cell needs food, O2, water and other “goods” The cell must get rid of wastes These pass through the membrane Facts to remember: The rate of the “exchange” = surface area area= L x W The rate that food and O2 are used = Volume Volume = L x W x H

5 “Surface to Volume Ratio”

6 How do sexual and asexual reproduction compare?
The production of a genetically identical offspring form a single parent simple efficient effective

7 Examples of Asexual reproduction

8 Sexual reproduction -Offspring produced by sexual reproduction inherit some of their genetic information from each parent.

9 Asexual vs. Sexual reproduction
“survival” tactic Quicker you multiply the better you last! Genetically identity works as long as the environment stays the same Sexual: Takes longer Genetic diversity Diversity increased ability to survive in changing environment

10 10.2 The process of Cell Division
Key questions: -What is the role of chromosomes in cell division? - What are the main events of the Cell Cycle? -How do daughter cells split apart after Mitosis?

11 Vocab Vocab: Chromosome Chromatin Interphase Cell cycle Mitosis
Cytokinesis Prophase Centromere Chromatid Centriole Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

12 What is the role of Chromosomes in Cell Division?
-genetic information bundled into packages of DNA

13 What is the role of Chromosomes in Cell Division?
Chromosomes help to separate and package DNA precisely during dell division

14 Chromatin: -DNA, histones within the nucleus

15 The cell Cycle What are the main events of the Cell Cycle?
-a cell grows -a cell prepares for division -a cell divides

16 Prokaryotic Cell Cycle (Binary Fission)

17 Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

18 Cell Cycle (continued...)
2 main phases: Interphase (in-between) Cell Division

19 Cell Cycle Interphase: M Phase: G1: cell growth S: DNA replication
G2: preparation for M-phase M Phase: Mitosis: division of cell nucleus Cytokinesis: division of cytoplasm

20 Mitosis real life mitosis A GREAT Mitosis Video Prophase - 1st phase
-Takes the longest -50-60% of the time -Genetic material condenses and duplicates -begins spindle forming (centriole)

21 Mitosis Metaphase -2nd phase -nuclear envelope dissolves
-chromosomes line up in cell -spindles connect to each centromere

22 Mitosis Anaphase -chromatids separate
-move towards opposite side of cell

23 Mitosis Telophase: -final phase -chromosomes untangle
-Nuclear envelope re-forms

24 Cytokenesis

25 From interphase to cytokinesis

26 10.3 Regulating Cell cycle Key Questions Vocab
How is the cell cycle regulated? How do cancer cells differ from other cells? Vocab Cyclin Growth factor Apoptosis Cancer tumor

27 How is the cell cycle regulated?
Cyclins -discovered 1980’s -protein that seems to regulate cell cycle -start the process Regulating proteins Internal Regulators Control factors within the cell itself Making sure phases don’t start till one has finished External Regulators control of the cell from outside controls the rate of division Wound healing is great example

28 Cell regulation (continued..)
Apoptosis: -Process of programmed cell death.

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