 LIGHTNING By: Aiden O’Connell. Lightning is formed when… Negative charges build their natural attraction to seek the ground for a positive charge, such.

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1  LIGHTNING By: Aiden O’Connell

2 Lightning is formed when… Negative charges build their natural attraction to seek the ground for a positive charge, such as metal, which causes a 50,000 degree spark to shoot from the clouds at 180,000 miles an second. Once it shoots to the ground it usually hits objects such as water, metal, or lightning rods.

3 Lightning is Attracted to… Tall objects Wet objects Metal items, different charges attract each other Lightning rods, (pointed metal rods that connects to copper wire).

4 Lightning Safety  Stay away from open fields because there is nothing around you to distract the lightning.  Stay in a house because lightning only strikes outside.  A car is very safe because of the rubber on the tires.

5 Heat Lightning  Lightning that is far away from you.  You cannot hear it.  Only seen on warm humid nights.

6 Thunder  Caused by the vibration or the sound of the air that is affected by lightning.  We see the lightning before we see the thunder because light travels faster than sound.  Thunder can be heard from 10 miles away.

7 Fun Facts  Lightning can happen inside clouds.  Lightning is usually in the air for 2 microseconds  Lightning is static electricity.  About 3 million lightning flashes happen each day.  About 2,000 people die from lightning every year.  My neighbor’s pool got struck by lightning last year Traveled threw the wires and got into the house did you know That a bolt of lightning contains 100,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 volts and an average Light bulb needs about 60 to be powered no wonder why the lamp exploded

8 Sources http://www.universetoday.com/77083/how-is-lightning-formed/ http://www.weatherwizkids.com/weather-lightning.htm http://www.dirjournal.com/info/interesting-facts-about-lightning/ http://singpost.blogspot.com/2013/05/10-tips-to-avoid-being-hit-by-lightning.html http://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2012/07/dark-and-stormy-night-2359219.html

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