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British Airways Language Flag Award for Schools. Background Based on the Flag Test developed for BA employees Tests the pupil’s ability to converse in.

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Presentation on theme: "British Airways Language Flag Award for Schools. Background Based on the Flag Test developed for BA employees Tests the pupil’s ability to converse in."— Presentation transcript:

1 British Airways Language Flag Award for Schools

2 Background Based on the Flag Test developed for BA employees Tests the pupil’s ability to converse in the language. No written element

3 The 4 parts of the Flag Test 15- 20 Minutes total General conversation - 3 topics Reading 3-4 lines from a script Role-play – 2 situations Listening comprehension

4 Part 1 - General Conversation 4-5 minutes (30%) Aim: To test prepared & spontaneous language ability ? ? Holidays Pupils should demonstrate knowledge of tenses in the 3 rd topic

5 Part 2 – Reading Aloud 2 minutes 10% Aim: To read a public announcement using correct pace, intonation & pronunciation The pupils can have access to the material in advance Pupils should be encouraged to practise the reading before the test They will be asked to read 4 or 5 lines in the target language

6 Part 3 – Role Plays 5-6 Minutes (40%) Aim: To use spontaneous language to deal with customer requests Pick 1 role play from 6 standard cards at random – the pupils have not seen the pictures before but can be taught the themes Pick 1 role play from 4 Olympic cards at random – pupils may see these in advance The pupil takes the role of the service provider It has to be a spontaneous conversation using the picture as a stimulus not a description of the picture

7 Part 4 – Listening Comprehension Pupils listen to 4 short statements in target language and have to give key details in English Pupils can make notes Grammar is not important Pupils hear each statement twice Pupils listen to 1 short statement in English and give key details in target language

8 Marking based on 5 criteria Confidence & fluency Range of vocabulary Accuracy & range of structures Pronunciation Comprehension

9 The assessment process Tested in school at any point by an accredited tester Minimum pass mark 40% Minimum pass mark for each module has to be gained in order to pass Pupils who pass the whole test are awarded a BA Flag Award Certificate & language badge Candidates who pass 2 parts of the test are awarded a certificate of achievement towards the Flag Award

10 Feedback Pupils can be told there & then if they have passed Testers are recommended not to give the percentage If they have failed one or more section give motivational feedback first and then formative feedback

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