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The Importance of Healthy Riparian Areas and their Current Status in Wisconsin Tim Asplund, Buzz Sorge (WI DNR) Advanced Lake Leaders – Green Lake Sept.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Healthy Riparian Areas and their Current Status in Wisconsin Tim Asplund, Buzz Sorge (WI DNR) Advanced Lake Leaders – Green Lake Sept."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Healthy Riparian Areas and their Current Status in Wisconsin Tim Asplund, Buzz Sorge (WI DNR) Advanced Lake Leaders – Green Lake Sept. 26, 2013 Courtesy of MN DNR

2 Lakeshore zone Shallow zoneComplexity: The degree to which both lakeshore and shallow zones are intact. Complex habitats facilitate movement of food into and out of lakes, provide shelter and nesting areas for fish an wildlife, and buffer human impacts. Disturbance:

3 Shorelands and Shallows





8 Shoreland Assessments Riparian Habitat – Vegetation cover – Shoreline and bank – Trees and shrubs Littoral Habitat – Bottom substrate – Aquatic plants – Fish habitat Human Influences – Docks, piers, seawalls – Buildings, lawns, driveways

9 Data: U.W. BioComplexity project

10 log Growth Rate (mm/yr) Woody Habitat (no./km) High Development Low Development Undeveloped High Development Low Development Undeveloped From Schindler et al. 2000 Fish grow ~3X faster in lakes with lots of woody habitat

11 FLOATING-LEAF VEGETATION Jennings et al 2003

12 Shorelands and Shallows



15 2007 National Lake Assessment

16 Poor Biology is Three Times More Common when Lakeshore Habitat is Poor Regional summary: Northern Plains, Coastal Plains and Xeric have highest proportion of lakes with poor habitat conditions While Northern Appalachian exhibits the highest proportion of lakes with high-quality habitat, > 25% of lakeshores are in poor condition

17 National Lake Assessment (P-Hab) method

18 Habitat assessment plot (P-hab) Benthic Sampling

19 1. Littoral Habitat

20 Canopy Understory Groundcover 2. Riparian Zone

21 3. Shoreline

22 Pier Building Lawn 4. Human Development

23 55 individual habitat metrics captured at each site (550/lake).

24 NLA Physical Habitat and Human Disturbance Indices Riparian (Lakeshore) Vegetation Cover Index Littoral Habitat Cover Index Littoral Habitat and Lakeshore Vegetation Complexity Index Riparian Disturbance Intensity and Extent Index

25 Bottom substrate Aquatic macrophytes Fish cover Canopy Understory Ground cover Shoreline substrate Human influence Bank features Invasive species Littoral Zone Riparian Zone Both Protocol

26 Condition of the Nation’s Lakes: Habitat *) NLA Primary indicator is Lakeshore Habitat *

27 Condition of the Nation’s Lakes: Habitat

28 Stressors to the Nation’s Lakes: Extent, Relative Risk, and Attributable Risk #1 – Lakeshore vegetation: Poor biology is three times more common when lakeshore vegetation cover is in poor condition. This affects 36% of lakes. #2 – Nutrients: Poor biology is 2.5 times more common when nutrients are high. This affects about 20% of lakes.

29 Riparian Disturbance

30 Littoral Cover Index

31 Lakes sampled for shore habitat in 2012 and 2013

32 Goals of 2013 National Lake Assessment Lakeshore Sampling 1)expand the assessment of lakeshore habitat condition across Wisconsin 2)analyze lakeshore habitat condition in terms of lake area and surrounding land use 3)Compare macrophyte survey methods: point- intercept vs. transect 4)develop ecoregion-specific lakeshore habitat metrics for Wisconsin 5)Incorporate lakeshore habitat metrics into WisCALM and Citizen Lakes Monitoring 6)use lakeshore habitat metrics in addition to trophic status to assess lake health

33 Lake Condition Metrics (Water Quality, Plants, Shorelands, etc ) Putting it together – Setting lake specific objectives and management strategies Objective Box plots: All lakes in a given natural community and/or ecoregion Poor Impaired/ UAA Fair Watch List Good Maintain Condition Excellent Consider for O/ERW TSI AMCI LittRipVeg

34 Lakes sampled for shore habitat in 2012 and 2013

35 Restoring Complexity and Functional Values of Shorelands

36 Reference Developed/Control Developed/Treated Found – Post Crystal – Post Total Number Starrett/Crystal Escanaba/Found White Sand/Lost L. St. Germain/Star Moon/Jag % Canaopy Closure

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