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Class Discussion Friday, March 28th How important is the issue of TRUST to you personally? Write a story about a time when somebody violated your bond.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Discussion Friday, March 28th How important is the issue of TRUST to you personally? Write a story about a time when somebody violated your bond."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Discussion Friday, March 28th How important is the issue of TRUST to you personally? Write a story about a time when somebody violated your bond of trust.

2 Here is the plan… Students will understand the root causes of the Arab / Israeli conflict. Students will be able to differentiate moderates from radical elements on each side. Students will design a plan to end the crisis.

3 Israel Is a 1 st world, democratic country founded in 1948 as a Jewish State. Prime Minister Netanyahu. The United States is a strong supporter of Israel.

4 Palestine There is NO country called Palestine - although there are people who call themselves Palestinians. West Bank / Gaza Strip. Arab & Muslim

5 Mine OR Yours???

6 In the beginning… In Biblical times there was the ancient Kingdom of Israel. (Kings David & Solomon) Jews were eventually pushed from this area by first the Babylonians & finally the Romans in 135 AD. (Diaspora)

7 Finders keepers ? Arab Muslim civilizations (Saladin) came to dominate this region from about the middle of 600 AD until the early 1900’s. Ottoman Empire ends after WW II

8 Zionism The movement to create a Jewish state was begun in the late 1800’s by Theodor Herzl. Jewish people began to “trickle” back to their homeland. It really gained momentum after the Holocaust.

9 YOU MAKE THE CALL… Who does the land belong to? Can you see room for compromise? Why is it easy for us to compromise on this issue?

10 UN Partition Plan The UN came up with a plan to divide Palestine in 1948. Who like this plan / who dislikes this plan?

11 Whose got the PIZZA now?

12 Why YOU should care!!!

13 Orthodox Jew

14 Secular Jew

15 Moderate Islam

16 Radical Islam

17 Israel Israel is about 75% Jewish – much of the remaining 15% are Muslims. Within that 75% some Jews are Orthodox and others are secular.

18 Oslo Accords

19 Gaza Strip Overwhelmingly Arab (99%) and overwhelmingly Muslim (99%) Self rule was granted to the Palestinians on a temporary basis in 1993.

20 West Bank 83% Palestinian Arab and 17% Jewish. The Jewish “settlers” are not welcomed by their Arab neighbors and must be guarded 24/7

21 Settlers – a source of contention

22 Trans-generational Learning

23 Intifada Arab uprising Peace has been elusive because both sides have elements who would like to derail the peace process.

24 Anwar Sadat - 1981

25 Yitzhak Rabin - 1995


27 Your turn… Design a Plan to solve the Middle East Peace process. What would be the problems in implementing your plan? Who would be for/ against it? How do you handle the question of Jerusalem?

28 Here it is… War Winner take all? Destruction of Israel No country of Palestine Land for Peace Two State Solution Jerusalem????

29 Hooooray!!! YOU are a HERO

30 Here is the plan… Students will understand the root causes of the Arab / Israeli conflict. Students will be able to differentiate moderates from radical elements on each side. Students will design a plan to end the crisis.

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