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3A Module 4 The natural world Unit 3 Plants Period 1 Hanwen Primary School Jessica.

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2 3A Module 4 The natural world Unit 3 Plants Period 1 Hanwen Primary School Jessica

3 植物

4 glass class grass Farmer, farmer. I’m a farmer. I can plant a big tree. Look! There are many plants in the classroom. 种植 I can plant, I can plant. Chant:

5 br_ _ch 树枝 branches Branches, branches. They are long. an

6 trunk 树干 Trunk, trunk. Look at the trunk. It’s big and long.

7 beach peach teacher read sea leaf 树叶 Look at the leaf. It’s …. meat

8 leaves 树叶 ( 复数 ) leaf scarfscarves knifeknives wolfwolves The leaves are red.

9 Leaves, leaves Green leaves Leaves, leaves Red leaves

10 The treehas leaves. 有 It It has …. Look at the plant.Look at the... animal inscet

11 roots 根 Roots, roots. Plants have roots.

12 Look at the plant. It has roots. They are and. thin ———— short —————

13 Hehas …. 有 有 She yellow hair big ears a scarf big eyes a dress It has roots.

14 The treehas leaves. 有 The treeshave leaves. 有 It They

15 Look at the plant. It’s green and tall. It has branches. They are long. It has leaves. They are green. It has a trunk. It’s big and long. It has roots. They are long. branches leaves a trunk roots

16 a flower leaves roots This is a plant. It has roots. They are thin and short. It has leaves. They are green. They are small. It has a flower. It is pink. It is beautiful.

17 Homework: 1. Copy the new words and sentences. 2. Listen and read page 46-47. 3. Preview page 48-49.

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