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Presentation on theme: " The Icelandic Library Consortium (ILC) Sveinbjörg Sveinsdóttir."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Icelandic Library Consortium (ILC) Sveinbjörg Sveinsdóttir

2 Company The beginning in 2001 Purchase of library system Aleph 500 from ExLibris November: Foundation of ILC Purpose of ILC run a central, web-based library system for libraries in IcelandVision To make the best possible use of Iceland's modest library and information resources. To provide all users of Icelandic libraries with equal access to these resources over the Internet. To implement a single, centrally run library system as the most cost-effective solution.

3 Company 2003 Inauguration of New Gegnir (Aleph 500 put into use) Inauguration of New Gegnir (Aleph 500 put into use)Ownership government (~52%) and municipalities (~48%)Financing service contracts with state owned organizations, municipalities and private organizations Number of employees Number of employees: 5


5 How many libraries use Gegnir? The country has around 400 libraries. Currently approx. 250 libraries and library branches subscribing Public and school libraries Government owned Othershanks!Time for questi

6 Types of libraries Types of libraries/library branches in the system: Public libraries Primary schools Universities and National Library Government libraries Research libraries Secondary schools Associations

7 Other services User Training User Support Various Technical Activities Statistics OCLC Subscription Google Scholar

8 Major Milestones in 2006 Upgrade of library system to version 16 Hosting of library system moved to a new service provider Data migration from several libraries, thus finishing the third and final phase of the library system implementation Five years anniversary of ILC in November 2006 !

9 ILC presentation Thank you for your attention !

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