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Etymology [et-uh-mol-uh-jee] noun, plural et·y·mol·o·gies.

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Presentation on theme: "Etymology [et-uh-mol-uh-jee] noun, plural et·y·mol·o·gies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Etymology [et-uh-mol-uh-jee] noun, plural et·y·mol·o·gies.
1. the derivation of a word. Synonyms: word origin, word source, derivation, origin. 2. a chronological account of the birth and development of a particular word or element of a word, often delineating its spread from one language to another and its evolving changes in form and meaning. Synonyms: word history, word lore, historical development. 3. the study of historical linguistic change, especially as manifested in individual words.

2 Definition: Without, Lacking Example: Asymmetrical

3 Definition: Both Example: Amphibian

4 Definition: Before Example: Anterior

5 Definition: Against, Opposite Example: Antibiotic

6 Definition: Ancient, Primitive Example: Archeology

7 Definition: Joint Example: Arthritis

8 Definition: Generally indicates an enzyme Example: Amylase

9 Definition: Self Example: Autotroph, Automobile

10 Definition: Two Example: Bipolar, Diploid
Bi- or Di- Definition: Two Example: Bipolar, Diploid

11 Definition: Life Example: Biology, Biodiesel

12 Definition: Flesh, Meat Example: Carnivore

13 Definition: Breakdown Example: Catalist

14 Definition: Green Example: Chloroplast

15 Definition: To Kill Example: Insecticide, Homicide

16 Definition: Cell Example: Cytology

17 Definition: Removal Example: Dehydration

18 Definition: Skin Example: Dermatology, Dermatitis

19 Definition: House Example: Ecology

20 Definition: Outside of Example: Ectoderm

21 Definition: In, Into, Within Example: Endoscopy

22 Definition: Well, Good, True, Normal Example: Eukaryote

23 Definition: Heavy Example: Gravity, Gravitopism

24 Definition: Different, Other Example: Heterozygous, Heterotroph

25 Definition: Unchanging Example: Homeostasis

26 Homo- Definition: Greek: Same, Alike Latin: Man Example: Homozygous, Homosapian

27 Definition: Water Example: Hydroponics, hydrology

28 Hyper- Definition: Above or Excessive Example: Hyperactive, Hypertonic, Hypertension

29 Hypo- Definition: Below, Under or Insufficient Example: Hypotonic, Hypodermic

30 Definition: Inflammation Example: Arthritis

31 Definition: Study of Example: Biology

32 Definition: Large Example: Macromolecule

33 Definition: Small Example: Microscope

34 Definition: One Example: Monohybrid, Monochrome

35 Definition: New Example: Neonatal

36 Definition: Egg Example: Oogenesis

37 Definition: Living Example: Organism

38 Definition: Straight Example: Orthodontist

39 -ose Definition: Generally indicates a carbohydrate (sugar) Example: Glucose, Lactose, Fructose

40 Definition: Disease Example: Pathology

41 Definition: Light Example: Photosynthesis

42 Definition: Plant Example: Phytoplankton, Herbivore
Phyto-, Herb- Definition: Plant Example: Phytoplankton, Herbivore

43 Definition: Foot Example: Podiatrist, Podestrian

44 Definition: Many Example: Polymer, Multicellular
Poly- or Multi- Definition: Many Example: Polymer, Multicellular

45 Definition: Before, Forward Example: Prokaryote

46 Definition: Look, device for seeing Example: Microscope

47 Definition: Standing, Place, Staying Example: Homeostasis

48 Definition: Put together Example: Photosynthesis

49 Definition: Cut, Slice Example: Appendectomy

50 Definition: Nourishment, One who feeds Example: Autotroph

51 Definition: Devour, Eat Example: Omnivore

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