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Temperature Conversions

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1 Temperature Conversions
How cool are you? Temperature Conversions

2 Conversion Formulas F = (9 · C) + 32 5 C = K -273 C = 5 · ( F – 32 ) 9
F = Fahrenheit C = Celsius K = Kelvin

3 Practice Room Temp is 21 °C. What is room temperature in Kelvin?
K = C + 273 K = K = 294

4 Practice A medical thermometer registers a patient’s temperature to be 39° C. What is this in Fahrenheit? F = (9 · C) + 32 5 F = (9 · 39) + 32 F = (351 ) + 32 F = (70) + 32 F = 102 °

5 Practice A popsicle melts at 78 ° F. What is this temperature in Celsius? C = 5 · ( F – 32 ) 9 C = 5 · ( 78 – 32 ) C = 5 · ( 46) C = 230 C = or 26 °

6 Your turn in your journal
Liquid Nitrogen’s boiling point is 90 K. What is this temperature in °C? The thermometer in the classroom indicates a temperature of 61 °F. What is the temperature in °C? Convert the temperature from #2 to Kelvin. 4. The lowest temperature in Alaska in -62 °C. What is this temperature in °F?

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