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UNIT 3A Purpose of Filing. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF FILING? So that documents can be found quickly and easily So that information is readily available So.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 3A Purpose of Filing. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF FILING? So that documents can be found quickly and easily So that information is readily available So."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 3A Purpose of Filing

2 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF FILING? So that documents can be found quickly and easily So that information is readily available So that up-to-date information can be provided To keep documents secure To keep documents clean and tidy To satisfy legal requirements, e.g. some documents must be kept for a minimum number of years, like bank statements or tax returns

3 FEATURES OF A GOOD FILING SYSTEM Simple and quick to use – staff time is lost if information cannot be found quickly Tidy Conveniently located Doesn’t take up too much floor space Flexible and able to meet future needs Secure – to prevent documents from damage e.g. fire or flood.

4 Filing Procedures Documents should be: Filed regularly – at least daily Marked ready for filing with an ‘F’ for file or a line drawn through it. This is called a release mark Sorted into alphabetical or numerical order, stapling documents which need to be kept together Filed chronologically (date order) within the appropriate file.

5 Filing Procedures Files should be: Stored in locked cabinets if the information is confidential Marked with an Absent Marker when documents are taken out. Cleared out on a regular basis – “old files” should be placed in a “dead file” Also A “Cross reference” card should be used if a file could be filed in more than one place e.g. when a woman changes her name after marriage.

6 Centralised Filing Rather than each department doing its own filing, these duties can be carried out by one central department serving all other departments. All the files are stored in one large area e.g. the school Guidance department, under the supervision of trained experts on filing.

7 Centralised Filing Advantages Staff are experts in filing and are able to organise a smooth-running system Junior staff are trained by the supervisor and become efficient at filing Equipment is used efficiently – e.g. cuts down the number of cabinets, so money and space is saved

8 Centralised Filing Disadvantages Demand - Files may be out when needed Distance - the filing area may be a long way from some offices causing inconvenience Confidentiality - some departments may have files that should not be seen by all staff Boredom – the filing clerks might get bored as there is no variety in their work

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