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Team Everest DDS Review Oct 25, 2011 From:

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Presentation on theme: "Team Everest DDS Review Oct 25, 2011 From:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Everest DDS Review Oct 25, 2011 From:

2 Overview


4 Changes




8 Program Language




12 Dataflow


14 O-1: (int) eegValue O-2: (float[][]) WebcamData O-3: (String) SQL SQL Example: CREATE TABLE `PLD` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `TITLE` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `CACHE_TITLE` text, `TITLE_URL` varchar(255) default NULL, `CACHE_URL` text ) Dataflow between I/O Layer

15 O-4 to O-9: (Object) Event Handler Message Object Event handler message = { source: “”, sourceMethod: “”, destination: “”, destinationMethods: “”, data: void*, dataType: “” } O-10: (String) JSON JSON = (JavaScript Object Notation) JSON Example: Dataflow between Logic Layer

16 O-10: (String) JSON O-11: (String) Link Note: Most browsers will open a URL if provided as a parameter after browser call. Dataflow between Controls Layer

17 Components


19 Input: (int) eegValue Output: (int) eegValue

20 Input: (int) eegValue Output: (int) eegRange

21 Input: (float[][]) WebcamData Output: (float[][]) WebcamData

22 Input: (float[][]) WebcamData Output: (boolean) isHeadShown

23 Input: [(boolean) isHeadShown, (int) eegRange] Output: (object) event handler message

24 Event Handler Input: (Object) Event Handler Message Output: (Object) Event Handler Message DB Handler Input: (Object) SQL Output: (Object) SQL

25 DB Translator Input: (Object) SQL Output: (Object) SQL Database Input: (String) SQL Output: (String) SQL


27 Event Handler Input: (Object) Event Handler Message Output: (Object) Event Handler Message Browser Subsystem Input: (String) JSON Output: (String) JSON

28 Input: (Object) Event Handler Message Output: (Object) Event Handler Message

29 Input: (String[]) link Output: (String[]) link

30 Input: (boolean) isFocused, (int) timeStamp Output: (String) Attention_Getter_link

31 Input: (String) userId, (int) startTime, (int) endTime Output: ( [ boolean, int ] ) UserStateHistory


33 Input: (String) Subsystem Output: (Object) Error Object

34 Input: (String) userId Output: (object) minAndMaxEEGReadings



37 No publicly exposed methods. Converts user input into API commands. Input: (String) JSON Output: (String) Link

38 Relationships

39 Customer Requirements Full Name Short Name Attention GetterA1 AIA2 Analyzer TranslatorA3 User State & Action HistoryA4 Browser ControllerB1 Subsystem CheckerC1 Check TranslatorC2 EEG CalibratorC3 DB TranslatorD1 DB HandlerD2 Subsystem LocatorE1 EEG DriverI1 EEG SimplifierI2 Input TranslatorI3 Webcam DriverI4 Posture SimplifierI5 APIM1 EEGO1 WebcamO2 DatabaseO3 Web BrowserO4 Customer Requirements A1A2A3A4B1C1C2C3D1D2E1I1I2I3I4I5M1O1O2O3O4 The product shall calculate results in real time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The software shall process little response time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The product shall have minimally invasive hardware xxxxxxx The product shall run on an average computer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The product shall track all ranges of concentration xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The product shall have little to no notification of concentration awareness xxxxxxxxx

40 Producer and Consumer Matrix Consumer A1A2A3A4B1C1C2C3D1D2E1I1I2I3I4I5 M1 O1O2O3O4 A1 x A2 x A3xx x x A4 x B1 x x C1 x C2 x x x C3 x D1 xx D2 x E1 x x x x x I1 x I2 x I3 xxx xx I4 x I5 x M1 x x O1 x O2 x O3 x O4 Full Name Short Name Attention GetterA1 AIA2 Analyzer TranslatorA3 User State & Action HistoryA4 Browser ControllerB1 Subsystem CheckerC1 Check TranslatorC2 EEG CalibratorC3 DB TranslatorD1 DB HandlerD2 Subsystem LocatorE1 EEG DriverI1 EEG SimplifierI2 Input TranslatorI3 Webcam DriverI4 Posture SimplifierI5 APIM1 EEGO1 WebcamO2 DatabaseO3 Web BrowserO4

41 Prototype

42 Functional Requirements - Monitor brainwaves and posture or user position - Monitor user's performance - Analyze input history to see if attention getter should be launched - Launch and close a web browser - Calibrate EEG - Unique profile with settings - Turn the program on and off.




46 Quality Assurance

47 Test Plan Unit Test System Initialization Test EEG Initialization Test Database Initialization Test Image Capture Test Component Test Shutdown Request Test Real Time Response Test Integration Test Initialization Test Stabilization Test User Input Test Note: Will be covered in more detail in the test plan document.

48 Acceptance plan Must meet Customer Requirements System Testing

49 Done.

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