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Planning a Low-Carbon Biodiverse Future Ayla, Kate, Elizabeth and Saffron Banner from

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1 Planning a Low-Carbon Biodiverse Future Ayla, Kate, Elizabeth and Saffron Banner from


3 Results How often public transport is currently used NEVER 68% SOMETIMES 17% FREQUENTLY 15%

4 Why public transport is currently not being used

5 Would public transport be used if changes occurred? Percentage of citizens that would use bus system if changes occurred. YES 44% MAYBE 36% NO 20%

6 Cost Benefit Analysis Car: $38.40 per week Bus: Student: $9.00 per week Adult: $13.00 per week

7 OUR VISION “Improving the current transport system in the greater Bunbury area to provide a convenient and reliable service for residents, thus encouraging the community to rely on this rather than individual forms of transport”

8 Local Government Policies YOUR VISION “Providing and improved quality of life to the people of the City of Bunbury through a balanced transport system”

9 Western Australia’s State Environmental Policies State Government: “have supportive networks receptive to local needs” United Nations Work with the United Nations in order to develop a local agenda 21, allowing you to set clear, definable goals for a sustainable future.

10 Suggested proposed additional time table for park and ride Provisional Morning Bus Timetable Route NumberCentral Bus StationAustralind Shopping Centre Eaton Shopping Centre 4296.55am7.20am7.30am 4297.45am8.10am8.20am 4298.35am9.10am9.20am 4299.35am–– Route NumberCentral Bus StationAustralind Shopping Centre Eaton Shopping Centre 4287.25am7.50am8.00am 4288.15am8.40am8.50am 4289.05am––

11 Suggested Proposed Additional Time Table Provisional Afternoon Bus Timetable Route Number Central Bus Station Australind Shopping Centre Eaton Shopping Centre 4294.05pm4.30pm4.40pm 4294.55pm5.20pm5.30pm 4295.45pm6.10pm6.20pm 4296.35pm––

12 Cat Service The cat bus will run on a pre-determined circuit between the hours of: 8.00am – 10.00am 4.00pm – 6.00pm

13 Education for Sustainability Education for sustainability is a holistic program with the capacity to impact environmental, economical, educational and social outcomes.

14 Educating the public Circulating a Pamphlet/Flyer Design an Education program specifically aimed at Carbon Dioxide emissions Advertise Get the message out to the public

15 Targets Our expected targets: New park and ride system developed within 2 years. Cat Bus systems developed within 3 years. Reduce gas emissions from the transport sector by 10% by the year 2015.

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