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CPT Demo May 10 2004 Build on SC03 Demo and extend it. Phase 1: Doing Root Analysis and add BOSS, Rendezvous, and Pool RLS catalog to analysis workflow.

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Presentation on theme: "CPT Demo May 10 2004 Build on SC03 Demo and extend it. Phase 1: Doing Root Analysis and add BOSS, Rendezvous, and Pool RLS catalog to analysis workflow."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPT Demo May 10 2004 Build on SC03 Demo and extend it. Phase 1: Doing Root Analysis and add BOSS, Rendezvous, and Pool RLS catalog to analysis workflow Phase 2: Add analysis web client to analysis front end Phase 3: Add MC run job service and ability to submit ORCA files Phase 1 is certainly feasible, Phase 3 uncertain (Therefore Phase 1 and 2 as backup)

2 People Involved: Rick Cavanaugh (UFL) Applications Dimitri Bourilkov (UFL) CAVES Mandar Kulkarni (UFL) CAVES/Sphinx Craig Prescott (UFL) (consultant on CMS production tools) Jang Uk (UFL) Sphinx Laukik Chitnis (UFL) Monitoring Conrad Steenberg (Caltech) Michael Thomas (Caltech) Frank v. Lingen (Caltech) …….?? People involved:

3 Root Clarens Client (100%) Web based Client (70%) Chimera Clarens Service (100%) Sphinx Job Submission Client (90%) BOSS Clarens Service (90%) Clarens Rendezvous Service (85%) Clarens File Service (100%) Clarens POOL Service (90%) MCRunJob Clarens Service (??%) (Contact Anzar from FNAL) MonaLisa (100%) Web Interface for JClarens (80%) BOSS WSDL (0%) ACL Management GUI(70%) Catalog Browser Interface (90%) Components used and work to be done for Demo: (between brackets an estimate of how “finished” these components are) Which hosts will we use (one at least located at CERN?) What analysis and data will we use? Will we show a multi user analysis?

4 RLS (RLI) Chimera Virtual Data Catalog Clarens-Service Service Flow for SC03 Demo (Rick’s mods) Sphinx Scheduler Clarens-Service Execution Globus + local sched File Service Clarens-Service Analysis Client (ROOT+Web) Workflow Management: McRunJob/MOP Sphinx-Client Clarens-Service Computing Element Storage Element MonALISA Monitoring RLS (LRC) Grid Site MonALISA Central Repostiory Sphinx Database 3 4 4.1 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.1 4.4.2 6 4.4.1 4.4.2

5 RLS (RLI) VO management Clarens-Service Look up Clarens-Service Chimera Virtual Data Catalog Clarens-Service Service Flow for CPT Demo (Rick’s mods) Sphinx Scheduler Clarens-Service Execution Globus + local sched File Service Clarens-Service Analysis Client (ROOT+Web) Workflow Management: McRunJob/MOP Sphinx-Client Clarens-Service POOL RLS - Meta Data Catalog Clarens-Service Computing Element Storage Element MonALISA Monitoring RLS (LRC) Grid Site BOSS Job-monitoring Clarens-Service MonALISA Central Repostiory Sphinx Database 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.1 4.4.2 5 6 4.4.1 4.4.2 Job = BOSS + Clarens-client

6 Service Flow (Rick’s Mods) 1User authenticates 2User looks-up which services are available 3User queries either: –VDC for input data and defines the application + output data –or, POOL for input data 4User sends “job” request to Workflow Manager –4.1 WM extracts/puts abstract “job” into VDC –4.2 WM extracts input POOL information for abstract “job” –4.3 WM sends abstract “job” to scheduler 4.3.1 Scheduler queries RLS, MonALISA ; sends concrete “job” back to WM –4.4 WM submits “concrete” job to grid site 4.4.1 Job executes under a BOSS-Clarens-Client Wrapper; 4.4.2 Job finishes ; RLS/POOL is updated ; data is available via Clarens FS 5User checks on status of “job” by querying BOSS Job-monitor 6User uses Clarens File Service to access ROOT files

7 Replica Location & Selection VO managementLook up Virtual Data Catalog Service Flow for CPT Demo Scheduling Execution Data collection Analysis Client authentication Workflow Management Meta Data Catalog Computing Element Storage Element Register Clarens BOSS Sphinx Job Submission MC RunJob Pool RLS Chimera Clarens Sphinx Scheduling Clarens File Service Clarens Root Client Java web interface client ROOT FAMOS ORCA (CMS) Implementations Monitoring MonALISA GUI

8 Replica Location & Selection VO managementLook up Virtual Data Catalog Policy & Accounting Our Original Architecture as Comparison with the demo setup Scheduling Monitoring Execution Steering Data collection Analysis Client authentication discovery feedback 1 23 4 5 7 8 10 9 12 13 Workflow Management Meta Data Catalog Replica Catalog Replica Management 6 13 11 12 14 feedback Computing Element Specification Storage Element Authorized Analysisversioning Authorized Authorized 9 9 Authorized Authorized Authorized 12 Releaseresources Authorized Replication based on trend analysis Schedule Performance analysis Supervisor Authorized Autonomous decisions on behalf of user Look up Authorized resources allocate Register Reservation Experation Clarens Chimera Sphinx VDT-Client MonALISA VDT-Server Clarens (CMS) Implementations ROOT- Clarens/ Cojac/ IGUANA Pool RefDB CAVES EDG RB ROOT FAMOS ORCA Sphinx Shakar Clarens Condor CondorG Multiple applications/users will execute multiple service flows in a grid environment BOSS

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