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Welcome- Meet and Greet Howard County Created a wonderful Resource for this Book!!! Fluently x/÷ facts (3.OA.7)3.OA.7

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1 Welcome- Meet and Greet Howard County Created a wonderful Resource for this Book!!! Fluently x/÷ facts (3.OA.7)3.OA.7

2  Fluency Expectations Fluency Multi-DigitSingle Digit

3   Goal: We are going to explore numerous strategies and activities that support all students in understanding basic multiplication and division math facts and committing those facts to memory Mastering Basic Multiplication & Division Facts

4   What are basic facts ?  What constitutes mastery ?  Why do we need to KNOW basic facts?  Why is it important to UNDERSTAND basic facts? sat chair red girl a in little the  How can we help our students master basic facts ? Mastering Basic Multiplication & Division Facts

5  Helpful Resources for Teacher Learning Pages xiii - xiv  Forward – This provides a great justification for why this book is helpful in teaching the basic facts. Pages 1 - 12  Introduction – This introduction is VERY helpful in explaining how the Common Core expects students to learn these facts and how the book is sequenced to meet those needs.  It is imperative to read this section to prepare for teaching Unit 2. Pages 13-26  Chapter 1 – Understanding Multiplication and Division  Many of the Common Core Standards are addressed in this chapter which help us understand the BIG difference between how we learned the basic facts (“drill & kill”) to how we are expected to teach them (building on understanding of operations, properties, patterns, and number concepts).  It is imperative to read this section to prepare for teaching Unit 2. Pages 161 – 162  Conclusion – This provides a very nice overview/summary (depending on when you read it) of the principles necessary for teaching the basic facts. Reading the conclusion before beginning the unit will be helpful.

6   BIG idea: connects the new fact set to previous experiences and forms the foundation for development of math fact strategies  Developing Understanding: develops conceptual understanding. Linked to literature.  Building Automaticity: GAMES! Targeted practice!  Connecting to division: quickest way to solve division is with a related multiplication fact How the Lessons are Organized

7  Mastering Basic Multiplication & Division Facts Foundation Facts  X 2  X 10  X 5  X 1  X 0 Building on the Foundation  X 3  X 4  X 6  X 9  X 8  X 7

8  Mastering Basic Multiplication & Division Facts Sequence for Teaching Literature Connections Multiplying by… ChapterPage NumbersLiteratureStandards Addressed 2Two27 – 41Two of Everything 3.OA.1 3.OA.2 3.OA.3 3.OA.4 3.OA.5 3.OA.6 3.0A.7 3.OA.9 10Three43 – 53The Grouchy Lady Bug 5Four55 – 67Count on Pablo 1Five69 – 78One Tiny Turtle 0Six79 – 89Where the Wild Things Are 3Seven91 – 101A Three Hat Day 4Eight103 – 113If You Hopped Like a Frog 6Nine115-127Snowflake Bentley 9Ten129-140Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 8Eleven141-149Snowmen at Night 7Twelve151-158Thunder Cake

9  Multiplying by 2 Students have extensive experience skip-counting by twos and grouping in twos (pairs) and have developed an understanding of doubling. This set of facts is a natural place to begin exploring multiplication facts. BIG IDEAS:  Multiplication by 2 is the same as doubling  Numbers stand for a variety of things. Operation symbols help us determine what the numbers represent  Our number system is a system of patterns.  The order of the factors does not change the product (the commutative property). Literature Link: Two of Everything http://www.youtu =TY_NP528ph4

10 Two of Everything p.31 Name: Gold Coin Doubles Choose a coin bag and write the letter to show which bag you chose. Count the coins in the bag. How many would you have if you doubled the coins? Write an addition equation to show how many coins you would have. Write a multiplication equation to show how many coins you would have. There are _____ coins in bag _________. There are _____ coins in bag _________. There are _____ coins in bag _________. There are _____ coins in bag _________. There are _____ coins in bag _________.

11  Multiply by 2 Two of Everything  Multiply by 2 - lessons with literature link. P.27-37 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 2 - building automaticity p.38-41  Connect to Division p.41  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

12  Multiplying by 10 p.43 the understanding of 10 is foundational in our number system. Students have experience skip-counting by 10, grouping in tens, and working with models of 10, such as ten frames and base-ten blocks.. BIG IDEAS:  Multiplication by 10 is like skip-counting by 10.  Our number system is a system of patterns.  The order of factors does not change the product (the commutative property).  Subtraction is a separate or compare process. /watch?v=rNmfO4h-yhQ

13   Multiply by 10 - lessons with literature link. P.45-49 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 10 - building automaticity p50-51  Connect to Division p.52  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D. The Grouchy Ladybug

14  Multiply by 5 Students have extensive experience skip-counting by 5. They recognize connections with money concepts (nickels). Previous exploariotn with x 10 facts leads to the insight that multiplying by 5 can be thought of as half of multiplying by 10 BIG IDEAS:  Multiplication by 5 is like skip- counting by 5  Our number system is a system of patterns.  5 is half of 10. Multiplying a number by 5 will result in a product that is half of the product that results when the same number is multiplied by 10  The order of factors does not change the product (the commutative property)

15  Multiply by 5 Count on Pablo  Multiply by 5- lessons with literature link. p.57-63 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 5- building automaticity p64-65  Connect to Division p.66  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

16  Multiply by 1 Although x 1 facts are simple to memorize, we do not begin with x 1 facts because of the confusion with th egrouping aspect of multiplication ( groups of 1?). Providing students with opportunities to explore groups of 2,5, and 10 provides a stronger foundation for understanding multiplication facts BIG IDEAS:  When multiplying by 1, the product is the same as the other factor.  The order of the factors does not change the product (the commutative property) ?v=4RY-nfWFKAg

17  Multiply by 1 One Tiny Turtle  Multiply by 1- lessons with literature link. p.69-74 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 1- building automaticity p75-77  Connect to Division p.77  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

18  Multiply by 0 x 0 facts are easy for students to commit to memory because the product is always 0, but this set of facts can be challenging for concrete thinkers. It is difficult to conceptualize a group of nothing. Once students have explored multiplication with 2,10, 5, and 1, this set of facts becomes easier to understand BIG IDEAS:  If either factor is 0, the product will be 0  The order of the factors does not change the product (the commutative property) watch?v=2bptuYPvfgk

19  Multiply by 0 Where the Wild Things Are  Multiply by 0- lessons with literature link. p.79-85 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 0- building automaticity p86-87  Connect to Division p.88  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

20  Multiply by 3 Multiplying by 3 can be thought of a multiplying by 2 and then adding 1 more group, or as tripling a number BIG IDEAS:  Multiply8ing by 3 is tripling a number  Our number system is a system of patterns  The order of the factors does not change the product (the commutative property) 9NiuUt0

21  Multiply by 3 A Three Hat Day  Multiply by 3- lessons with literature link. p.91-98 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 3- building automaticity p98-99  Connect to Division p.100  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

22  Multiply by 4 Multiplying by 4 can be thought of as doubling a double. The previous mastery of x 2 facts allows students to double x2 products to find the x 4 products BIG IDEAS:  Multiplication by 4 is doubling a double  Our number system is a system of patterns  The order of the factors does not change the product (the commutative property) lb7pvh3MII

23  Multiply by 4 If You Hopped Like a Frog  Multiply by 4- lessons with literature link. p.103- 109Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 4- building automaticity p110-112  Connect to Division p.113  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

24  Multiply by 6 Multiplying by 6 can be thought of as doubling a multiple of 3. Previous mastery of x3 facts allows students to see that 4 x 6 can be thought of as double 4 x 3, or (4 x 3) = (4 x 3). Previous mastery of x 5 facts also supports students with x 6 facts, knowing that the product of a x6 fact is simply 1 set more than the product of the related x5 fact (e.g., the product of 6 x 8 is 8 more than the product of 5 x 8) BIG IDEAS:  In Multiplication, if we double the number of sets or double the size of each set, the product will double.  The distributive property shows us that numbers can be broken apart in varied ways (e.g., a(b+c) = (a x b) + (a x c)  The order of the factors does not change the product (the commutative property) v=8TcGcOc_udU

25  Multiply by 6 Snowflake Bentley  Multiply by 6- lessons with literature link. p.115- 124 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 6- building automaticity p124-126  Connect to Division p.127  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

26  Multiply by 9 Building on knowledge of x 10 facts, the product of a x – fact is 1 group less than the product of the same x 10 fact (e.g., 10 x 5 =50, so 9x5 = 45, which is 5 less, or 10 x 7 =70 and 9 x 7 = 63, which is 7 less) BIG IDEAS:  Our number system is a system of patterns  Multiplication facts are connected. Knowing one set of facts can help us understand a related set of facts.  The order of the factors does not affect the product. R_D6Ir8

27  Multiply by 9 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs  Multiply by 9- lessons with literature link. p.129-136 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 4- building automaticity p137-138  Connect to Division p.139  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

28  Multiply by 8 Multiplying by 8 results in a product that is double that of multiplying by 4. With the teaching sequence suggested in this book, only two of these facts have not been explored through a different strategy (7 x 8 and 8 x 8). BIG IDEAS:  Multiplication by 8 is double multiplication by 4  Our number system is a system of patterns  The order of the factors does not affect the product (the commutative property). watch?v=IJKLFKIVU4A

29  Multiply by 8 Snowmen at Night  Multiply by 8- lessons with literature link. p.141-146 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 8- building automaticity p147-148  Connect to Division p.149  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

30  Multiply by 7 Mulitiplying by 7 may be the most difficult for students. Students can break apart the 7 (distributive property) to find that it is the sum of 5 times the factor and 2 times the factor (e.g., 7 x 4 is (5 x4) + (2 x 4). Although this works, it is more efficient to simply think commutative property and reverse the order of the factors. By doing this, students realize that they already know all the x7 facts except 7 x 7 BIG IDEAS:  The distributive property shows us that numbers can be broken apart in varied ways (e.g., a( b+c) =(a x b) + (a x c).  Multiplying a factor by itself results in a square number MFY

31  Multiply by 7 Thunder Cake  Multiply by 7- lessons with literature link. p.151-156 Pushing big ideas during the lesson  Multiply by 7- building automaticity p156-157  Connect to Division p.158  Monitoring Progress with fluency checks fluency checks located on the C.D.

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