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Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes) 60th IETF Meeting San Diego, CA, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes) 60th IETF Meeting San Diego, CA, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes) 60th IETF Meeting San Diego, CA, USA

2 2Markus Hofmann60 th IETF Meeting, Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes) Agenda  Introduction, minutes taker, blue sheets, agenda bashing [5min]  Status of WG documents [M. Hofmann, 5min] –draft-ietf-opes-http –draft-ietf-opes-ocp-core –draft-ietf-opes-architecture –draft-ietf-opes-authorization –draft-ietf-opes-end-comm –draft-ietf-opes-iab –draft-ietf-opes-protocol-reqs –draft-ietf-opes-threats –RFC 3752  Proposed new charter [M. Hofmann, T. Hansen, 15min]  Discussion of SMTP use cases [A. Barbier, 15 minutes]  Re-cap of previous rules language work [A. Barbier, 15 minutes]

3 Status of WG Documents 60th IETF Meeting San Diego, CA, USA

4 4Markus Hofmann60 th IETF Meeting, Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes) From the IETF Draft Tracker…  OPES WG currently has 9 WG documents.  In State: RFC Published –RFC 3752 (OPES Scenarios and Uses Cases)  In State: RFC Ed Queue –draft-ietf-opes-architecture –draft-ietf-opes-protocol-reqs –draft-ietf-opes-authorization –draft-ietf-opes-threats –draft-ietf-opes-iab –draft-ietf-opes-end-comm  In State: Revised ID Needed or AD Followup –draft-ietf-opes-http –draft-ietf-opes-ocp-core  Goal: Submit revised OCP and OCP/HTTP drafts within the next days.

5 Proposed New Charter 60th IETF Meeting San Diego, CA, USA

6 6Markus Hofmann60 th IETF Meeting, Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes) Summary  Consensus on new charter has been established via mailing list discussions. –New charter proposal is stable and ready to be submitted to IESG. –Feedback and “go ahead” received from our AD (i.e. Ted).  Proposed work items are focused and narrow, and follow the established OPES framework. –Continue to address IAB considerations for OPES (RFC 3238).  Two new work items: –OCP profile(s) that will support OPES services operating on SMTP. Includes a document on scenarios and use cases. First profile will address the needs of at least the MTA. –OPES rules language Will be based on previous work on “P”.

7 7Markus Hofmann60 th IETF Meeting, Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes) Goals and Milestones  SEP04 Revised document on OPES rules language.  OCT04 Submit use cases document for OPES services operating on SMTP to IESG for Informational.  DEC04 Initial document on OCP/SMTP profile for MTAs, including mechanisms for tracing and bypass.  FEB05 Submit document on OCP/SMTP profile for MTAs, including mechanisms for tracing and bypass, to IESG for Proposed Standard.  APR05 Submit document(s) on OCP/SMTP profile(s) for those other SMTP agents the WG has decided to work on, if any, to IESG as Proposed Standard(s).  MAY05 Submit document(s) on OPES rules language to IESG for Proposed Standard.  MAY05 Consider additional OPES work and present new charter to IESG, or conclude working group.

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