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Small Scale Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind. A.C. Foster 1, C.J. Owen 1, A.N. Fazakerley 1, I. J. Rae 1, C. Forsyth 1, E. Lucek 2, H. Rème 3 1.UCL,

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Presentation on theme: "Small Scale Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind. A.C. Foster 1, C.J. Owen 1, A.N. Fazakerley 1, I. J. Rae 1, C. Forsyth 1, E. Lucek 2, H. Rème 3 1.UCL,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Scale Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind. A.C. Foster 1, C.J. Owen 1, A.N. Fazakerley 1, I. J. Rae 1, C. Forsyth 1, E. Lucek 2, H. Rème 3 1.UCL, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Surrey, UK 2.Imperial College, London, UK 3.CNRS, IRAP, Toulouse, France 4.Cluster Active Archive UCL DEPARTMENT OF SPACE & CLIMATE PHYSICS MULLARD SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY

2 Magnetic Reconnection Observables First published study of solar wind reconnection made by Gosling, 2005. Bifurcated current sheet Magnetic field rotations over current sheets Enhanced plasma jet / reconnection exhaust Reconnection Exhaust Adapted from Gosling, J.T. (2005) Inflow Magnetic Field Lines Current Sheet A1A2 B B

3 Phan, T.D (2006) Unconstrained boundary conditions Multiple spacecraft observations Time scales ≤ few hours Length scales ~100s R E Different plasma conditions than frequently studied (e.g. Magnetopause / magnetotail) Advantages in studying Reconnection in the Solar Wind Earth ACE Cluster Wind Exhaust To Sun Jet BMBM Solar Wind Direction

4 Phan, T.D (2006) Previous study of reconnection event 02/02/2002

5 Previous results have suggested that reconnection in the solar wind is fundamentally extended and non patchy. Is this always the case? Study magnetic reconnection structures –Test the consistency of the temporal and spatial structure of magnetic reconnection from large scales to small scales –using the 4 Cluster spacecraft; multi-scale capacity Aim of Project

6 Case Study: Event 2/3/2006 |B| (nT) |V| (km/s) V y (nT) Total -- X -- Y -- Z -- 400 380 390 370 10 -10 0 -20 0 4 8 2 6 0 4 -2 2 -370 -390 -380 -400 40 20 30 10 B (nT) V x (km/s) V z (nT) 37 m 00 s 37 m 30 s 38 m 00 s 38 m 30 s 39 m 00 s 39 m 30 s 40 m 00 s Universal Time Cluster 3 magnetic field and ion velocity data in GSE

7 Event 2/3/2006: Characteristics Magnetic rotation over the event: 71° Total -- X -- Y -- Z -- 37 m 00 s 37 m 30 s 38 m 00 s 38 m 30 s 39 m 00 s 39 m 30 s 40 m 00 s Universal Time

8 Event 2/3/2006: Characteristics Magnetic rotation over the event: 71° Angle between two main current sheets: 33° Adapted from Gosling, J.T. (2005) Inflow Magnetic Field Lines B B Reconnection Exhaust Inflow Current Sheet A1 A2 33°

9 Event 2/3/2006: Characteristics Magnetic rotation over the event: 71° Angle between two main current sheets: 33° Low plasma β either side of the event 0 1 2 3 Plasma β Cluster 3 plasma β 37 m 30 s 38 m 30 s 39 m 30 s 37 m 00 s 38 m 00 s Universal Time

10 Magnetic rotation over the event: 71° Angle between two main current sheets: 33° Low plasma β either side of the event Alfvèn speed approximately 43km/s Cluster 3 Alfvèn Velocity Alfvèn Velocity km/s 37 m 30 s 38 m 30 s 39 m 30 s 37 m 00 s 38 m 00 s Universal Time Event 2/3/2006: Characteristics 40 50 42 44 46 48

11 Event 2/3/2006: Consistency Consistent with previous results Double magnetic field rotation that bounds an ion velocity increase. 1 B (nT) |V| km/s Cluster 3 magnetic field in GSE co-ordinates and ion Velocity

12 Event 2/3/2006: Consistency Consistent with previous results The changes in V and B are correlated on one edge of the exhaust and anti-correlated on the other. 1 B (nT) |V| km/s Cluster 3 magnetic field in GSE co-ordinates and ion Velocity

13 Event 2/3/2006: Consistency Consistent with previous results The Walen test is satisfied for the two rotations seen at Cluster 3.

14 C1 C2 C3 C4 ∆C1 = 0.00 ∆C2 = 35.50 ∆C3 = -0.09 ∆C4 = 16.6 Magnetic field in GSE co-ordinates for the 4 Cluster spacecraft

15 Also seen at ACE and Wind B (nT) |V| (kms -1 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 440 420 400 380 420 400 380 360 420 400 380 360 15 m 00 s 15 m 30 s 16 m 00 s 16 m 30 s 17 m 00 s Universal Time

16 Conclusion and Discussion In the solar wind the current picture is of large-scale non- patchy events This study looks at the small scale structure Reconnection seen at Cluster. Similar current sheets at ACE and Wind but no evidence for ion velocity enhancements. Large overall structure current sheet structure (100s R E ) but there are small scale differences on the 10,000km scale.

17 ● Baumjohann, W. (1997): Wolfgang Baumjohann and Rudolf A. Treumann. Basics of Space Plasma Physics. Imperial College Press, 1997. ● Priest, E. R. (1984): Priest, E. R. (1984), Solar Magneto-Hydrodynamics, Geophys. Astrophys.Monogr. Ser., Springer, New York. ● Gosling, J.T (2005): J.T. Gosling, R.M. Skoug, D.J. McComas, C.W. Smith, J. Geophys. Res. 110, A01107, 2005 ● Phan, T. D. (2006): T. D. Phan, J. T. Gosling, M. S. Davis, R. M. Skoug, M. Øieroset, R. P. Lin, R. P. Lepping, D. J.McComas, C. W. Smith, H. Reme, and A. Balogh. A magnetic reconnection X-line extending more than 390 Earth radii in the solar wind. Nature, 439:175–178, January 2006. ● Gosling (2007): J. T. Gosling, S. Eriksson,L. M. Blush,T. D. Phan,J. G. Luhmann,D. J. McComas,R. M. Skoug,M. H. Acuna,C. T. Russell, and K. D. Simunac. Five spacecraft observations of oppositely directed exhaust jets from a magnetic reconnection X-line extending > 4.26 10 6 km in the solar wind at 1 AU References UCL DEPARTMENT OF SPACE & CLIMATE PHYSICS MULLARD SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY

18 Conclusions Small scale differences. In the solar wind the picture is of large scale, non patchy events Not all of the reconnection events fit the simple gosling bifurcated current sheet with the reconnection outflow between the two.

19 Phan, T.D (2006) Magnetic rotation at current sheets Previous study of reconnection event 02/02/2002 Data from Cluster 3 in GSE Total -- X -- Y -- Z -- |B| (nT) B (nT) |velocity| (km/s) velocity (km/s) Universal Time

20 Event 2/3/2006 |B| (nT) 8 0 8 0 8 0 0 8 37 m 30 s 40 m 00 s 37 m 30 s 40 m 00 s 37 m 30 s 40 m 00 s C4C3 C2C1 4 -2 4 44 B (nT) Universal Time Total -- X -- Y -- Z --


22 Event 2/3/2006: Visualisation Minimum Variance Direction 5000 -5000 4000 -4000 -10000 0 10000 -10000 0 10000 Maximum Variance Direction

23 Cluster Configuration


25 2/3/2006


27 Event 2/3/2006: Spacecraft positions Earth Cluster Wind ACE

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