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Skeletal Muscle Groups

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal Muscle Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal Muscle Groups

2 Head and Neck Facial muscles
Orbicularis oculi= circular muscle around the eye Orbicularis oris= circular muscle around the mouth Zygomaticus=smiling muscles Masseter=mastication Temporal= mastication

3 Head and Neck Sternocleidomastoid: flexes head
Trapezius: shrugs shoulders, extends head

4 Upper Extremities Pectoralis major: flexes upper arm (chest muscle)
Latissimus Dorsi: extends upper arm (on back) Deltoid: abducts upper arm Biceps Brachii: flexes forearm Triceps Brachii: extends forearm

5 Trunk/Torso Abdominals: Rectus Abdominus (6 pack)
External Oblique (R & L flank) Internal Oblique Transverse Abdominus

6 Respiratory Muscles Intercostals (between each rib) Diaphragm

7 Muscles that move lower extremities
Gluteus Maximus: extends thigh Adductor Muscles: adducts thighs Hamstring Muscles: Semimembraneous Semitendinosus Flexes Lower Leg Biceps Femoris

8 Quadriceps femoris Extends lower leg Rectus femoris Vastus Lateralis
Vastus intermedius Vastus medialis

9 Muscles of lower leg Tibialis anterior: dorsiflexes foot
Gastrocnemius: plantar flexes foot Peroneus Group: flexes foot

10 Types of Movements Flexion: decreases the angle between 2 bones at the joint.. (Bending) Extension: increases the angle between 2 bones at the joint…(straightening) Abduction: movement away from the midline Adduction: Movement toward the midline

11 Types of Movement Rotation: movement around a longitudinal axis
Hand positions that results from rotation of the forearm. Supination Pronation

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