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The Qualifications of Elders As They Relate to the Work of Elders 6/1/2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Qualifications of Elders As They Relate to the Work of Elders 6/1/2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Qualifications of Elders As They Relate to the Work of Elders 6/1/2016 1

2 A Common Approach to Studying the Work of Elders Defining words like “elder,” “overseer,” and “pastor” help us to better understand the work of elders. Common sense would tell us that God did not arbitrarily hand down the qualifications for elders. Instead each standard or condition handed down does relate to the elder’s work. What is the elder to do? How is the elder to do his work? 6/1/2016 2

3 General Observations Elders need to be mature Christian men Some qualifications are absolute Example: One is either a father or he is not. One is a husband or he is not. One is blameless or he is not. Some qualifications are relative One elder may meet the qualification “Apt to teach” better than another. The home is a microcosm of the church Does he rule with brute force and intimidation? Does he rule sacrificially, nourishing, cherishing, disciplining and instructing? 6/1/2016 3

4 Desiring the WORK demonstrates that the Eldership is not a mere honorary position If we had only the terms office and position, then we might conclude that “elder” is an honorary position. Paul calls it a “WORK” (1 Tim. 3:1) This work is a comprehensive role of leadership (Hebrews 13:17) 6/1/2016 4

5 Blameless Shows the Need for Leadership in Obedience The elders are to be obeyed in the local church (Hebrews 13:17) The fact that God requires elders to be blameless indicates that the elder is to be known for his obedience to God. (1 Tim. 3:2) Blameless is not sinless (Rom. 3:23) Blameless means that an accusation of sin cannot be lodged and sustained against the elder. 6/1/2016 5

6 A SUCCESSFUL HUSBAND IS A MAN WHO IS CAPABLE OF LOVING LEADERSHIP An overseer is to be the “husband of one wife” (1 Tim. 3:2) What about this relationship would prepare the elder to lead? (Eph. 5:25-29) He learns faithfulness when many are unfaithful. He learns protection and servitude in leadership. He learns a leadership style that is effective Nourishes, cherishes, leads by example, corrects by the word, etc. This effective style in the home will be effective in the church. 6/1/2016 6

7 BEING A FATHER OFFERS FURTHER EVIDENCE OF LEADERSHIP ABILITY Leading a faithful wife will in most cases be someone of similar age and maturity. Children (1 Tim. 3:4-5) expands the elder’s experience by learning how to teach, train and guide those with little or no knowledge. (Eph. 6:4) Men who do not lead or abdicate leadership in the home fail to receive this experience and are not qualified to serve. Believing children (Tit. 1:6) is evidence of successful leadership ability. 6/1/2016 7

8 The Shepherd’s Work Requires a Proper Mental State VIGILANCE is needed to guard the flock of God. (1 Tim. 3:2) A GENTILE man is needed to restore from sin. (1 Tim. 3:3; Gal. 6:1-2) SELF-CONTROL is needed to exemplify the right walk (Tit. 1:7) SOBERMINDED is critical to the elder’s work (1 Tim. 3:2) 6/1/2016 8

9 SKILLED IN TEACHING REQUIRES A TOTAL LIFE EFFORT Apt to teach = skilled in teaching The elder must be able to instruct the young and young in faith. The elder must be able to edify the mature Skilled in teaching is not limited to the home or the pulpit (Tit. 1:9) Teaching is also done by example. Loving what is good (Tit. 1:8) Respectable (1 Tim. 3:2) Good elders utilize hospitality as a teaching tool. (1 Tim. 3:2) 6/1/2016 9

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