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Characteristics of Democracy A true democratic government has characteristics that distinguish it from other forms of government.

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1 Characteristics of Democracy A true democratic government has characteristics that distinguish it from other forms of government.

2 Government in a democracy works to promote the kind of equality in which all people have an equal opportunity to develop their talents to the fullest extent possible.

3 2. Majority Rule with Minority Rights Government decisions are based on majority rule. Concern about the possible tyranny of the majority. The rights of the minority are protected by the Constitution.

4 All genuine democracies have free and open elections. Free elections also help ensure that public officials pay attention to the wishes of the people. In a democracy----”One person, one vote”

5 4. Competing Political Parties Rival parties help make elections meaningful. They give voters a choice among candidates. In the United States, a two-party system in which the Republicans and the Democrats have become the major political parties has developed.

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