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Implementing a mobile app: general strategy Chris Greenhalgh G54UBI / 2011-03-02 1Chris Greenhalgh

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing a mobile app: general strategy Chris Greenhalgh G54UBI / 2011-03-02 1Chris Greenhalgh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing a mobile app: general strategy Chris Greenhalgh G54UBI / 2011-03-02 1Chris Greenhalgh (

2 Overview Define initial scope of application Concurrently and iteratively – Develop detailed application design (see design notes) – Create minimal tests of the required technologies (slide 3) Platform, tools, sensors, UI components Then – Incrementally develop the final application based on the detailed design (slide 4) 2Chris Greenhalgh (

3 Implementation stages: technology test 1.Can you get the basic technology to work? – Create a skeleton application for the chosen technology AppInventor, PhoneGap, … 2.Will the sensors do what you want? – Create a “sensor test” application Does not reflect screen or UI design of final app Does low-level sensor input and just displays it to the user 3.Will the other key technologies work? – Add a minimal test for each one to the test app E.g. Map view, sound, video 3Chris Greenhalgh (

4 Implementation stages: design-led application-development 1.Create a new application 2.Create rough versions of the screens and screen elements 3.Implement basic navigation 4.Define domain model types (if used) 5.Define application (internal) state (e.g. global vars) 6.Create helper functions to update UI 7.Add sensor input (from test app) 8.Add complex UI elements 9.Complete/refine logic 10.Tidy up layout, content and look and feel 4Chris Greenhalgh (

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