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And You Required Components By : Ana Brennan and Erica Cheva Science Fair.

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Presentation on theme: "And You Required Components By : Ana Brennan and Erica Cheva Science Fair."— Presentation transcript:

1 and You Required Components By : Ana Brennan and Erica Cheva Science Fair

2 Topic It should be interesting. Avoid vertebrates, harmful microorganisms, and dangerous chemicals. It must be measurable. There should be a comparison. Think about real life, is the project meaningful?

3 Problem Statement Single line statement of what you are testing This should be a new topic and something the student finds interesting It can be written as “What is the effect of (insert independent variable) on (insert dependent variable)?

4 Variables What are you changing on purpose? This is the manipulated or independent variable and should be compared to the control group. What are you measuring? This is the responding or dependent variable. Everything else should be kept the same or held constant.

5 Research After the topic has been selected the student needs to research all related information. This is a very important step to make an educated guess, the hypothesis. Use a variety of sources and make sure they are credible. Middle school students must have at least 5 cited sources, 3 for elementary.

6 Hypothesis If (this is done), then (this is the expected outcome) because (include information from your research saying why this is expected). Variables should be included. This is done = abbreviated procedures This is the expected outcome = what the student expects to observe.

7 Materials List all materials used in the experiment. All measurements should be done using SI units (metric: meters, liters, grams, degrees Celsius) Include exactly how much (mass, length, or volume) and how many will be used. At the top please write if the materials are for one trial or for all trials.

8 Procedures Step by step format. Include all steps. Be as detailed and specific as possible. Each step should begin with an action verb. Again, all units should be metric. Include all trials! Three is the minimum.

9 Data All information that is collected during the experiment is data. There are two types of data: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data is a description- color, appearance, texture, odor. Quantitative data is measured and expressed numerically. All data should be organized, neat, and easy to read.

10 Qualitative Data During the experiment the scientist should write down everything they see. Observations should be made about their surroundings. Anything that happens during the experiment should be recorded as well. For example: My mom turned on the light for a second during trial two.

11 Quantitative Data The dependent/responding variable should be quantitative data. This should be recorded in a table that is set up prior to experimentation. Tables should have titles, labels, and units! All units must be METRIC!

12 Graphing The manipulated/independent variable goes on the x-axis. The responding/dependent variable goes on the y-axis. Be sure to include a title, labels for the two axes, and units (in parenthesis).

13 Graphing continued Bar graphs show a comparison. Line graphs show a change over time. Pie/Circle graphs show percentage. Select the graph that displays your data correctly. Remember to use the average data too!

14 Results This is the data in words. This section should include any statistical analysis required by the teacher. Statistical analysis includes: mean (average), median (number in the middle of the data set), mode (number that appears most often), range (difference between the highest and lowest), variance, standard deviation, and level of significance. Any possible errors should be included here.

15 Conclusion & Application This is a summary and explanation of the results. It should include whether the hypothesis was supported or rejected based on the data and why. Explain how any possible errors (human error from using equipment and other unexpected situations) affected the data. Include all applications to real life.

16 Abstract This is a summary of the entire project. It includes an abbreviated version of the following: purpose, problem statement, procedures, all major results, conclusions, and applications. It should be NO MORE THAN 250 words.

17 Red Flags Always include units. Pictures must have labels and give credit to the photographer. Do not include any faces in the photographs. The abstract must be in the lower left corner. Must be original student work!

18 Helpful Hints Start early and be organized Have a catchy title Take photographs Make your board eye catching Overall, the information should be presented correctly and the written components should be well constructed. Fair/resources.html

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