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Memoir  A collection of memories or stories of one’s life usually centered around a small portion of one’s life (a year, summer, episode, or a series.

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2 Memoir  A collection of memories or stories of one’s life usually centered around a small portion of one’s life (a year, summer, episode, or a series of events.)

3 Journal PromptJournal Prompt  Write about something (fun, exciting, scary, important, boring) you did this summer. Use as much detail as you can.


5  I will never forget the night I spent with my mom and her best friend, Jody, creating a wedding garter for my wedding. It was Monday night; I was getting married on Saturday, and I still had a million things to do! One of the items on my checklist was making my garter. For some reason, I had this brilliant idea to make a Harry Potter inspired garter. The only problem was, I have zero crafting abilities. Jody ended up spending two and a half hours sewing, by hand, two pieces of fabric together. By the time she was done, we tried it on. Correction. We tried to put it on. It ended up being WAY TOO SMALL. After hours of work, and lots of laughs, we took it to my Yia Yia, and she sewed it on her machine in less than five minutes.

6 Now, write that same story in 6 words.  Can’t craft. Tried anyways. Epic fail.  Tried to make a garter. Didn’t work.  Much to do before I do.  Failed moments are the best moments.

7 What’s your Story… in 6 words?  A Six-Word Memoir is the story of your life—some part of it or all of it—told in exactly six words. It allows writers to spark imagination or simply break the ice. Give six a try— and make your words count. SMITH Magazine



10 For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn. By Ernest Hemmingway  What is the meaning behind this story? There is no right or wrong opinion. Create a story that fits the memoir above.

11 You are going to create your own Six-Word Memoir. What is your story in only 6 words? Examples:  I dance because I have to.  I do. Now, happily ever after.  Music: the key to my calmness.  My mini-me turned 13—impossible.  “Coming Through Your Door” all summer.  I shook Zac Brown Band’s hand.  I teach. That’s my super power.  Perseverance—the key to my success.  Nebraska—the greatest place on earth.  Be kind. It’s all that matters.  Count my freckles. I love summer.

12 Practice writing your own 6-word memoirs. You should come up with 5 or more.

13 Now, you will choose your best 6-word memoir to create a visual aid.  Step 1 : Choose your 6-word memoir.  Step 2: Choose a piece of paper and a writing utensil.  Step 3 : On your blank page, re-write your memoir and create an image (or multiple images) to depict your memoir in a unique and interesting way. *** We will hang your visual aids on the board: “What’s Your Story?” ***  Assignment is worth 20 Points  10 Points = The Handout 10 Points = Visual Aid

14 Due by the end of class tomorrow, Friday, August 21 st.

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