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GOOD MORNING! Please find your graded papers on the front table: Summer Homework & Socratic Seminar papers Then we will set up our spirals into three sections:

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Presentation on theme: "GOOD MORNING! Please find your graded papers on the front table: Summer Homework & Socratic Seminar papers Then we will set up our spirals into three sections:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GOOD MORNING! Please find your graded papers on the front table: Summer Homework & Socratic Seminar papers Then we will set up our spirals into three sections: DMAs Notes Vocabulary Please take out the pink and green handouts that I gave you Friday.

2 DMA QUESTION TUES. SEPT. 8: Write a 5 – 7 sentence paragraph reflection on the article you read for HW. You may answer one or more of the following questions: Did anything in the article surprise you? Why or why not? What caught your attention? What is this writer’s main claim? What is the evidence to support the claim? Do you agree or disagree with this claim?


4 CONNOTATION VS. DENOTATION Denotation = dictionary definition Connotation = feeling associated with the word. Some words have strong connotations, and others are neutral. Examples: plant, flower, weed. A “loaded word” is a word that carries heavy connotation. Examples of loaded words: democracy, patriotism, slavery, Nazi, communism, bully, etc.

5 1. ASSERTION noun Def: A declaration or a statement Sample sentence: We could not believe John’s assertion that he had never seen Star Wars.

6 2. COGENT adjective Def. Convincing: reasonable Sample sentence: Christina’s argument was so cogent that even her opponents had to agree with her.

7 3. COHERENT Def. Logically connected adjective Sample sentence: The old prospector’s story was not coherent; he rambled on about different things that had nothing to do with one another.

8 4. COHESIVE Def. Condition of sticking together adjective Sample sentence: Eric’s essay was cohesive because each point flowed nicely into the next point.

9 5. DIDACTIC Def. Intended to instruct adjective Sample sentence: The tapes were entertaining and didactic because they amused and instructed the children.

10 6. DISCOURSE Def. Verbal expression or exchange; conversation noun Sample sentence: Their discourse varied widely; they discussed everything from Chaucer to ice fishing.

11 7. ELOQUENCE Def. the ability to speak vividly or persuasively noun Sample sentence: Cicero’s eloquence is legendary; his speeches were well-crafted and convincing.

12 8. FLUID Def. Easily flowing adjective Sample sentence: The two old friends’ conversation was fluid; each of them was able to respond quickly and easily to what the other had to say.

13 9. IMPLICATION Def. The act of suggesting or hinting noun Sample sentence: When your mother asks, “Were you raised in a barn?” the implication is that you should close the door.

14 10. LUCID Def. Easily understood; clear adjective Sample sentence: Our teacher does a good job because he provides lucid explanations of difficult concepts.

15 11. RHETORIC Def. The art of using language effectively and persuasively. Part of speech: Noun Sample Sentence: Because they are expected to make speeches, most politicians are well versed in the art of rhetoric.

16 WORK WITH A PARTNER To incorporate these new words into sentences related to the article you read over the weekend. Write one good sentence per word. Each sentence should show that you understand the meaning of the word. Each sentence should use the word as the correct part of speech. Due tomorrow – beginning of class!

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