Directions 1.You will have a different slide for each vocabulary word. 2.You will place the word in one shape, definition in your own words in one shape,

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2 Directions 1.You will have a different slide for each vocabulary word. 2.You will place the word in one shape, definition in your own words in one shape, a short sentence in one shape, and if you wish a picture from the Internet in a shape. 3.Use the words on the next slide in your presentation. 4.You may copy the sample slides below and use them over and over or you may go to Insert, Smart Art, Relationship

3 Vocabulary List to use Hanging Indent Reference List Body Unbound report Double space Side heading Left bound Top bound Title page

4 Resume I must have a good resume to tell the employer who I am. a brief written account of personal, education al, and professional qualifications and expe rience, as that prepare d by an applicant for a job. This is a sample for you to look at prior to beginning. Word Definition Sentence

5 Voc. Word here Sentence here Definition here

6 Voc. Word Here Definition here Sentence here Internet picture here

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