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Doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 1 TV White Spaces Regulatory History Date: 2009-05-12 Authors:

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 1 TV White Spaces Regulatory History Date: 2009-05-12 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 2 Abstract The intent of the FCC in the recent Second Report and Order setting out the rules for unlicensed operation in the TV bands can best be understood by looking at some earlier related rulings and inquiries.

3 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 3 Introduction The FCC problem –More spectrum needed for wireless future –Sharing with licensed users is a necessary evil –No increase in enforcement resources –Do not want to repeat (registration) errors of the past The solution, in a number of steps –Announce the spectrum opportunity –Engage industry –Test the self-policing mechanisms –Set the rules Historical perspective required to understand the intent of the new Part 15.700 rules

4 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 4 First Steps Policy Statement FCC 00-401 & NPRM FCC 00-402 (November 2000) –Recognize the need to share spectrum to support the burgeoning wireless applications –Examine how to remove regulatory barriers for efficient spectrum sharing –Enable development of methods for opening licensed bands for sharing NOI FCC 02-380 (December 2002) –Requesting comments on opening the unused TV spectrum for unlicensed use NPRM = Notice of Proposed Rulemaking NOI = Notice of Inquiry

5 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 5 Opening the TV Bands NPRM FCC 04-113 (May 2004) –Enabling unlicensed use of unused TV channels –Keepout zones, beacons and sensing requirements –Primarily rural applications NPRM FCC 04-100 (April 2004) & R&O FCC 05-56 (March 2005) –Open 3650 to 3700MHz Government Transfer Band for cognitive access –Sharing of 50MHz; 25MHz of it also open to non-cognitive access, such as WiMAX –Must include self regulating mechanism

6 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 6 IEEE 802.22 Task Group formed in 802.18, the RR-TAG –Chair stepped down to lead the Study Group –New WG formed in September of 2004 Based on NPRM 04-113, focused on rural access applications –Similar to WiMAX (802.16) with sensing mechanisms –Trying to adapt to meet Part 15.700 rules Database rules with sensing; study the value of beacons Require synchronized (to GPS clock) quiet periods for all TV Band Devices (TVBDs) Now scrambling to add personal/portable device support Still no 802.22 approved draft RR-TAG = Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group

7 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 7 IEEE 802.11y CBP SG started March 2005; TG in March 2006 –CCA changes to allow operator adjustment –Station enablement mechanism on timed hear and decode beacon Fixed, registered stations transmit beacon STA not receiving must stop transmitting after preset interval –Registered STAs in database for interference mitigation without FCC intervention P802.11y completed and approved November 2008 Manufacturers not yet making a major commitment –Small amount of spectrum available (50MHz) –Approval process, at FCC labs is daunting and slow CBP = Contention-based Protocol CCA = Clear Chanel Assessment

8 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 8 The TVWS Rules: Part 15.700 Second R&O 08-260 released (November 2008) –17 petitions for reconsideration –Comment period ends May 8th –10-day reply comment period A number of conflicting opinions must be resolved –Wireless microphone interference; both legal and illegal mics –802.22-required silent period a non-starter for personal portable or other indoor devices –Society of Broadcast Engineers, quoting from the Communications Act of 1934 says FCC can’t share the band –National Association of Broadcasters suing in Federal Court to stop all TVWS action Final result will probably await the seating of the new FCC chairman (expected in July) R&O = Report and Order

9 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/0023r0 Submission May 2009 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 9 Reference Documents Policy Statement FCC 00-401 & NPRM FCC 00-402 – – NOI FCC 02-328 – NPRM FCC 04-113 – NPRM FCC 04-100 & NPRM FCC 05-56 – – Second R&O FCC 08-260 – TGy Overview –

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