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1a Introduction to Quantitative Tools and Techniques Materials Developed by The IRIS Center at the University of Maryland.

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1 1a Introduction to Quantitative Tools and Techniques Materials Developed by The IRIS Center at the University of Maryland

2 2 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Inquiry Qualitative detailed information fewer respondents diversity and nuances varied methods typically no control group Quantitative pre-set questions higher number of respondents frequency and amounts usually survey can use a comparison group (for impact)

3 3 versus Qualitative analysis is varied sampling depends on objectives explores impact (why) participatory and empowering Quantitative Standardized data analysis random sampling suggests impact rarely participatory and empowering

4 4 Essential Features for Quantitative Tools (1) Clear study questions or hypotheses Well-conceived survey instruments that are valid and reliable (produce consistent, accurate answers) Well written and clear survey questions Analysis plan for each question determined in advance

5 5 Essential Features for Quantitative Tools (2) Logical sequence and smooth flow of questions Format conducive to efficient, clear and complete recording of responses Length and time required to complete survey is manageable/acceptable Sound sampling procedures that will generate representative samples of clients and comparison groups, thereby producing reliable data for making generalizations about clients

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