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Chris Santos, Sean Tegeder, and Christine Zaky 7A.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Santos, Sean Tegeder, and Christine Zaky 7A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Santos, Sean Tegeder, and Christine Zaky 7A

2 * A natural source of energy. * A power source that a essential part of the weather. * Wind is moving air. * Wind is invisible but we can still feel its force. * Wind is a form of solar energy, this is because it is caused by uneven heating in the atmosphere.

3 * Wind is all around us. The best places for wind farms are: * Coastal Areas * Tops of Rounded Hills * Open Plains * Gaps and Mountains

4 * Wind is a free source, so wind farms need no fuel. * It produces no waste or greenhouse gases. * The land beneath can usually still be used for farming. * Wind farms can be tourist attractions. * A good method of supplying energy to remote areas. * Wind energy is also a renewable source.

5 * The wind is not always predictable. The force varies. * Suitable areas for wind farms are usually near the coast, where land is very expensive. * Wind turbines are dangerous for birds. Migrating birds tend to like strong winds. * Can affect television reception. * When wind turbines are being manufactured, some pollution is produced. * The cost of wind turbines are very high. Wind turbines in 2007 ranged from 1.4 million dollars. * This can be very noisy. These disadvantagescankeepwind power from widespread use.

6 * Wind turbines change kinetic energy into mechanical energy. * With mechanical energy you can do certain tasks, such as pumping water. * Then a generator can change mechanical energy into electricity to power homes, schools, businesses etc.

7 * Anemometer: measures wind speed and transmits wind speed data to a controller. * Blades: Wind moves over it and causes the blades to rotate. * Rotor: The blades and hub together. * Tower: The tower is make from tubular steel, concrete, steel lattice. * Brake: A disc brake to stop the rotor in emergencies. * Wind Vane- measures wind direction and communicates with the yaw drive.

8 * Controller: starts and shuts off the machines. * Gear box: gears connects the low speed shaft to the high speed shaft to increase the rotational speeds. * Generator: produces 60- cycle AC electricity. * High speed shafts: drives the generator. * Low speed shafts: rotor turns on the low speed shaft at about 30-60 rpm. * Yaw drive: used to keep the rotor facing into the wind as the wind direction changes.

9 * Wind Turbines * l l * The shape of the blade causes the wind pressure to be uneven. This causes the blade to spin generating electricity. * The blades connect to a shaft that rotates 18 RPM. * The shaft is connected to gears that rotate 1800 RPM.

10 * Wind power is renewed easily because it comes from wind which is a natural source of energy and it is naturally replenished everyday. HOW IS IT STORED? * Batteries- hold electricity produced even if the turbine is not running. It is stored instead of going directly to power lines. * Compressed Air- energy generated from the turbines is then converted into compressed air. This is stored in above ground tanks and underground caverns.

11 *V*V ertical Axis Wind turbines ( VAWT)- *H*H as the main rotor shaft arranged vertically. *D*D oes not need to be pointed to the wind. *T*T he generator and other components can be placed near the ground so the tower doesn’t need to support it. *H*H orizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT)- *I*I t has the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of the tower. *T*T hey must be facing the wind.

12 * The costs and concerns of wind turbines keep it from widespread use. Costs  The costs for a commercial wind turbine in 2007 ranged from 1.2 million dollars to 2.6 million dollars per MW.  The price has dropped in the past 10 years, but it still costs a lot. 80% is machinery and 20% is site preparation and installation.

13 * Wind energy in 2007 was 1% of the United States energy. * The leading country to produce the most wind energy is Germany, followed by Spain, then the U.S.A. * 74,000 megawatts is the capacity of wind farms in the world. * Blades measure on average to be 130 feet. * Wind is named after the direction from which it comes. * It follows global and seasonal patterns.

14 * What are two ways wind energy can be stored? Batteries and Compressed Air. * Why is wind energy easily replenished? Wind is a natural source of energy that occurs everyday. * What are two types of wind turbines? Horizontal axis wind turbine and vertical axis wind turbine. * Where are the best places for wind farms? (name at least two) Coastal areas, tops of rounded hills, open plains, gaps and mountains. * Wind is a form of ______ energy and is caused by _______ heating in the atmosphere. solar uneven

15 * "Centurion Energy.", LLC. Web. 09 Mar. 2012.. * "EERE: Energy Savers Home Page." EERE: Energy Savers Home Page. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. * "Energy Resources: Wind Power." Andy Darvill's Science Site: Home. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. * Parker, Steve. Wind Power. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens Pub., 2004. Print. * Wind Energy Basics." Wind Energy EIS Public Information Center. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. * "A Design and Technology Site." A Design and Technology Site. Web. 12 Mar. 2012..

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